06-16-2012, 01:03 AM
Well first off, i want to apologize if this posted in the wrong area. I just figured that since this had to do with coming out, then i would post it here. Please forgive my newbiness
well, as some on here may know, it has been on my heart to come out to my best friend. Well, i told her and she is so excepting of me. She told me no matter what my choices may be, she would still love me the same. She hugged me, and we cried together, and then talked for a while. And she told me she knew this whole time, but figured i would tell her when i felt comfortable. I am very feminine, and have to cover that up around people, but now i dont have to around her, and it feels so good to be able to be myself around her. I told her fiancé, and a couple other friends that we all hang out with and one was a lesbian, so she was totally cool with it. They were all wondering if i had stronger feelings towards one sex over the other, and i explained that i am more attracted towards men than i am women, but there is a little part of me that finds women attractive. But, i wanted to thank everybody on here for the advice, and being a listening ear for me. Thanks for all the support, and as time goes on i see myself coming out to more freinds, and im sure i will be on here asking for advice again, and b@tching here and there
thanks again,
