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Member's Testimonials On GaySpeak
Anyone who would like to help me feel more at home at this site please do so . I seems so complicated.

Okay: right now my screen name is Counselor, before that I was Uncarvedblock, and I'm thinking of changing my screen name again (what good is a name, anyway?).

Basically, google. Made some friends here, offended a couple people, and realized this is a great forum with a wealth of knowledge and support that I would back 100%. You people are weird, and it's awesome.

Weird? Moi? LoL.....

Anyway I found this site a few months back while looking for advice on the relationship front. My partner is on another continent, 9 hours flying time away, and 3 timezones behind me. It makes finding time to talk on the phone a real pain, he's getting in from work, Im getting into bed LoL

I like this forum for a few reasons:

1. Its not a dating site.
2. Its 24x7 with members participating from all over the world.
3. Someone somewhere is always awake, and looking for advice.
4. If its advice you want, someone on here is almost certainly been there and done that very thing you want advice on.
5. Everyone is genuinely friendly.
6. Its not a dating site.

Did I mention its not a dating site?



I was in search of an outlet, since my community is very small and doesn't have a LGBT center anywhere close. But I found gay speak through google. Just wanted something to express myself and get others opinions.

Thanks GS for being available. It's helped a lot in the last couple of days of being a new member


Hi! Yelle anyway, a newbie on this stuff. Smile It is really a friendly-nice site with a welcoming members/users. I found this on twitter posted by a friend and then I get interested and visit up the site. It's really are a ( Thumb's Up ) site like "I kissed a guy, and I like did it." Haha, supeeeeeeeeeer!

I hope i'll find my ( Haha ) here, get to know each other well and make some friends or more than friends of you fellas. Smile

spotysocks Wrote:Hello guys ,

So i thought to open a new thread for testimonials for the new members to see. Write something about gayspeak. How did you find it, how long you use it, what you think of it ect. Confusedmile:

Hi folks,I'm new here,and am glad to find a group of like minded people. I am a 58yo married,closeted gay man from northern Ontario,Canada.Pengy

Hi guys, just joined, names partis... oh and owl be around here often (hoot toot)

gettinthere Wrote:Hi folks,I'm new here,and am glad to find a group of like minded people. I am a 58yo married,closeted gay man from northern Ontario,Canada.Pengy

Welcome to gs

I am fairly new to the site. Introduced to it by an online friend ("Twisttheleaf"....or "T") that I made thru another gay social site. He was much more involved in the "forum" aspect of that site and it became to catty and political for his liking, so unfortunately I "lost a friend"...I am hoping we can reconnect thru this site. I am a late bloomer in the gay/bi world, having wrapped myself up for too long in my career and in my own business that I pushed to the perimeter the more difficult things in life (matters of the heart, etc.). Due to a lot of factors, I closed my business and spent the better part of a year doing some major self analysis/awareness/introspection....I put EVERYTHING on the table to try and find out why I was so unhappy. Out of that I owned up to the realization that I am bi-sexual with a strong attraction to men. Something I had chalked up to just having a need for strong friendships with guys and a desire to be fit/attractive, so I always admired guys that were such out of envy/inspiration. I know how silly that sounds, but that was my brain's justification.....because gay guys are flamboyant and outrageous, right? WRONG, of course, but that was the stigma that was burned into my brain since being a kid.

On May 26 of this year I came out to my family (immediate family of 5 brothers, one sister, 7 nieces and nephews). A very emotional few days for me, but for the most part it has been very good with lots of verbal support. Unfortunately my Dad passed away 10 years ago and my Mom is badly affected by Parkinson's Disease, so she really can't comprehend what I try to tell her most times.

I can't thank friends like "T" enough for the help they provided via emails, texts, phone conversations as I went thru this time in my life. Thru one friend's suggestion I joined a dating site for straight and gays and met a very nice guy. We have been together for a little more than a month and continue to learn more about each other. He has been very patient with my "newness" and helps keep me focused.

I'm looking forward to meeting some new folks here and hope to build more friendships.


Boy do I have a few good things to say about GaySpeak.... and I've been saying them for (... are you ready for this... ?) the whole THIRTY FIVE days I've been a member here.... LOL!!!

I swear it feels like a whole year or more. I understand why. I get this feeling all the time when I'm around people I like. I feel like like I've known them forever after two or three days... and most the time they feel the same way towards me. That's the way good friendships should be.

And that's what GS is for me, friends. Where Iive I have a good posse of straight friends but as far as nearby gay friends.... the one guy I get along best is pretty neat. I can stand at my front door and see his house with my telescope... but it's a 90 minute drive to get there. LOL. MOst of the rest of the local gays I know as really just acquaintances. Gays up here really don't socialize based on who's gay or not. I did my best to make friends with some of them when I moved back here and was flat out told by a tough lesbian, "gay or straight, you're a nice guy, but not someone we'd invite over. We'll see you around!"

And you guys know what I mean when I say sometimes straight people just don't cut it. They just don't catch the jokes and don't realize how stupid some of the things they say trying to be "gay friendly" really sound.

So.. that's what I find here in GS. Friends... And you Fumb Duckers are fun to hang out with... I like being able to at least to try to help others and do my best to think out whatever advice I give before I put down a single word. You're going to have to sneak up on me to catch me in a bad mood in GS --- because all you guys are so positive all the time that it lifts everyone else up. That's contagious just the same way hanging out with a constant complainer is contagious and will bring everyone else down.

Experiences with gay forums and sites, facebook, myspace, and others really started off innocent and fun but ended up as a story that could be turned into a horror movie complete with nameless stalkers, lies, more lies, embarrassing photoshopped pictures, sick rumors and all sorts of relationship troubles because of it all. For close to 2 years I was paranoid about gay people on the internet. I've gotten a bit smarter from the experiences I went through and try to avoid people like the ones who caused me and my man so much trouble. The great part about GS is there's none of those people here... or they don't stay very long.

I guess that's it!


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