Really, this is your problem - to accept a date with a guy whose only flaw is he has muscles?
Your not a jerk. Your an ass-hat.
What is an ass-hat:
One whose head is so far up their rear end it could pass for a hat; used to describe a person who is stubborn, cruel, or otherwise unpleasant to be around.
You are stubborn, in that you set this silly limitation on men. Cruel, in that with a world of men who are dying to meet other men half as willing to date them as this guy is with you, you have to 'rant' about your 'problem'.
Unpleasant to be around because lets face it, who wants to be around an asshat who's problem is if he should date a guy with muscle or not because he has muscle.
Here is a suggestion: Stop drinking.
Seriously, every 'rant' you have had thus far includes mentioning that you went out to drink wine. Obviously if you are such a dick its the wine, not you...
it's not that thign dude , i don;t feel comfortable with a dude that everyoen is staring at ... i hate being in the center of attention , that is my real problem... And the wine part? Give a break , i like wine that doesn;t mean i get drunk >.<' So i guess i should go with him ... Anyway jsut wantd you to know the problem is not the wine and that i am cruel , it;s like i hate being in center of atention
I have a hard time understanding a lot of what you post as it's often unclear and you seem to contradict yourself. I've noticed others have an even harder time understanding you than I do.
Does your computer have a translation option? Mine does at the top of the screen. If so then I think you should try creating your posts in Romanian and then having your computer translate it to English. That might make you easier to understand. And in case this suggestion isn't clear, then here it is repeated (I trust) in Romanian (I've noticed that it doesn't seem to use paragraphs, however):
Am un timp de greu de înţeles o mulţime de ceea ce scrie ca este de multe ori neclare şi se pare să te contrazică. Am observat altele au un timp chiar mai greu de a intelege ce mult decât mine. Are computer are o opţiune de traducere? Mina nu la partea de sus a ecranului. Dacă este aşa, atunci cred că ar trebui să încercaţi să creaţi mesajele dumneavoastră în română şi apoi cu computerul dumneavoastră, traduce în engleză. Care ar putea face mai uşor de înţeles. Şi în cazul în care această sugestie nu este clar, atunci aici este repetat (am încredere), în limba română (Am observat că aceasta nu pare a folosi punctele, cu toate acestea)
In case you don't know I'd also like to add that for the translation to work (at least on my computer) I hit the Preview Post button and then activate the Translate program and copy/paste the translation to the note you're trying to post below the preview and then Submit Reply.
În cazul în care nu ştii aş dori, de asemenea, să adauge că, pentru traducerea de a lucra (cel puţin de pe computerul meu), am lovit butonul de Post Preview şi apoi a activa programul de Traducere şi copy / paste de traducere pentru a nota pe care " re încercarea de a posta de mai jos de previzualizare şi apoi Trimite raspuns.
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its basically up to you, go with your guts. Perhaps he will be a wonderful guy, perhaps he will be a total douche bag, but you would never know if you never give it a go :p
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.
Pix i know i soudn unclear in english but never use that traslating option cause it sounds pretty false (at least the romanian ) . And my tiping in english is really that bad? Haha
And the understanding thingy is just when i am confused or when i really don;t know what the heel i am supposed to do :-S Solz for unclear posts ...