Like East said[or my interpretation

mile: ], I personally believe I've had it harder being "Flamboyant" or over the top, then I would have, had I been like most of you guys, more low key and not so much like how I am now and most "flamers" probably have more balls for that reason. But then again, I wouldn't be me...
My only problem, is the discriminatory factor, when even other gays bash or ridicule flamboyant men, because they are ashamed of who we are, or perhaps because they are jealous or maybe even ashamed of themselves, because they cannot be as strong.
Not to say being who you are, makes you any better or worse then someone else.
East for instance, does not strike me as "over the top flamboyant", but yet, he's comfortable enough with them and accepts them, even if he himself does not find the sexually attractive or whatever. And most importantly, he's not discriminating or ridiculing.
There seems to be an uncomfortablility factor lurking around perhaps, in men who cannot find it within them to find acceptance, if not tolerance, of someone who could've easily been them, had the cards been dealt differently.
I certainly do not discriminate against low key, "average joe" guys, just because they aren't like me.
I try to find the beauty in all people and love them, even when they can sometimes piss me all the way off. :biggrin: