Okay continuing the story. I was up at his house last night, sitting next to each other on the couch

We were watching American Pie and started talking about Ashton Kutcher. Then out of no where he says he would fuck him that's how hot he is! Happy face!
Now also he seems to like touching my crotch. It went from playful smacking to full on touching and holding it there longer. I was glad to return the favor lol.
Also his gazes seem to be getting longer and more intense. We seem to be looking into each others eyes longer. He is constantly preening himself around me and trying to get me to touch him in any way possible and touching me in anyway possible. He has never touched me more than he did last night. He also said goodnight instead of later like most guy friends do.
Then I went back up to his house again this morning before he went to football practice. We had plans on going out to eat but there was a wreck so we didn't have time. So we went back to his house and fixed some food and chilled and talked. Then things started to pick up.
He was just sitting on the couch and I was sitting on the floor, watching an American Dad episode about gay people then out of nowhere he said "Josh I'm gay" I said me too, and that was it! Was he joking, he sounded so serious when he said it. Of course I didn't have the balls to ask. It didn't sound like a joke to me at all!
Then a little later things got really revealing. We came back in from outside, he said he had to take a shower. He said I could sit in his room(his bathroom is in his room) I figured I would just wait until he got done. He stripped down to his boxers and went in and closed the door. Then just a matter of seconds later the door flung back open and there he stood butt naked. Talking to me like he was fully clothed. Then he started playfully jacking off him front of me, happy face once again! He got in the shower and got out again and started shaving in front of me still butt naked! I got to stare at his butt for like 10 minutes

Is he advertising his goods? Cause I finally got to see it all.
So either I am only seeing positive things based off of my attraction towards him. Or if he really is gay and likes me he is finally letting it out little by little. I just really hope things keep going like this. Everything seems to be going to the next level.