Rude people.. Such a turn off.
I thought of another thing....people who agree with everything i say. Grow a pair man or woman, lol. I like to be debated. I've met a few people like this. it is beyond annoying.. If it's politeness....just drop it.
bluefox4000 Wrote:I thought of another thing....people who agree with everything i say. Grow a pair man or woman, lol. I like to be debated. I've met a few people like this. it is beyond annoying.. If it's politeness....just drop it.
I also like to be debated, it's refreshing. But it's kinda hard to debate about something you kinda of don't know anything about. Lol
Hey, we don't share every interest with our bfs, and beside sometimes when im indicisive, I would just let a man take charge and agrees with everything he say. (for a while)
Spectrum7 Wrote:Oh, I'm quite the opposite. I love the badboy, hot-temper, reckless type. The cold and calculating beauty type. A little abuse is good for my soul XD
What turn me off though hairy body/face. Unless you're a werewolf or a dog, fluffing your chest hair in front of me probably won't result in a happy ending 
LOL!!! I think Rox is on about an overall disrespect for life in general. We know people who would literally walk past a helpless kitten in a flooded gutter. He likes a bad boy and so do I~
Scratch that, he likes the Bad Boy, I like the Naughty ones lol.
Turn off for me is facial tats and someone who could walk past a kitten in a flooded gutter~
General turn-offs for me are guys who smoke. There's always the fact that they could quit, but if they're smoking while on I'm on a date with them - it's a big turn off.
Also, guys who don't bother making themselves smell good before the date - I've had two of those kinds of guys.
Car seats and wedding bands in tandem.
1. Non-smoker. It is a clear sign that you are not working hard enough or under enough stress to require nicotine in your system. I won't date lazy. This doesn't apply to all, if you are around age 50 I get the whole 'I smoked 2 packs a day and need new lungs' thing.
2. Non drinkers - again, not enough stress in your life, clearly a sign of slacking. I will make allowances if you know those codes such as 'One day at a time' or 'Easy does it' clearly you drank more than your fair share at an earlier time, thus you meet the stress requirements.
--> If you never drank, Smoked or did drugs then keep your yap shut about how 'bad' these things are - don't knock it until you try it.
3. Under 30 - seriously, That dampness behind your ears is annoying.
4. Being under 6 feet tall - There are pills for that. The very least you can do is wear platform shoes or a tall hat. No excuse to be short in the 21st century.
5. Too clean in the wrong places: If we meet in the middle of the day at oh Home depot and you are clean shaven, wearing clean cloths and look like you popped out of the shower its a clear sign that you are not really a man. Real men sweat, real men get dirt on their clothes. Real men take the whole Shopping for Tools and or Materials thing seriously and don't view Home Depot as a place to be dressed up to meet your life partner.
6. Excessively clean: Honestly if its 5-6 pm and you have a job, I expect you to stink a little from sweat and smog and the whole hard work day thing. If you are sparkling clean then something is wrong, clearly you ain't gotta job and have way too much free time to preen in front of a mirror. Move along sissy boy, move along.
7. Perfume wearers. All of them. I will make allowances for late evening or early morning application of English Leather, Old Spice or Aquavelvet - the only after shaves that real men use. Anything else screams 'homo-sex-u-al.... Or worse - Me-tro-sex-u-al.
8. Clean shaven - What are you ashamed to be a man? Real men grow beards, If its 4 O'clock and you are still clean shaven you are clearly either waxing, or are too young.
9. Brand name wearer - seriously, are you gay or something? Real men don't wear brand names. They will wear Levis or Wrangler which everyone knows... But they won't make a fuss about what they were or shall I say 'who' they are wearing.
10. Smiles: In every other mammalian species showing the teeth is a sign of aggression. Showing off your pearly whites only means one thing in my books, you are territorial and getting ready to bite.
I really hate false smiles - those forced, 'I'm being nice' smiles - it makes me want to use the handle of my cane to rap out each and everyone of those teeth you are showing off.
On a more serious note.
Gossipers and opinionated S.O.B.'s annoy the fuck out of me. yeah I get it, you have an opinion - everyone does, just like assholes.
Gossip is even worse, what you need to belittle others to make yourself feel like a big man? I don't care who Chuck has done, or what sally and mark do in the photocopier room. Its none of my business, thus its none of yours.
Small talking idiots who just want to yammer away for hours talking but never saying anything. Those who follow the latest tending news stories and speak of politics as if they actually care about Left or Right policies when in truth they never registered to vote or haven't voted - I hate those sorts.
Anti-Christians who go about telling me how bad Christians are. Seriously, have no know Idea who you are addressing? I am a Christian, have I ever told you you are going to hell? Show a little respect to my faith.
Don't get me wrong, I expect every man to have a bit of tarnish and rust on his suit of armor. I will allow a lot of flaws and foibles in a person, depends on how well they are trying to be a good decent person.
If there is a general lack of trying in a person to be a better person, shoot them, hang em, whatever.
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:1. Non-smoker. It is a clear sign that you are not working hard enough or under enough stress to require nicotine in your system. I won't date lazy. This doesn't apply to all, if you are around age 50 I get the whole 'I smoked 2 packs a day and need new lungs' thing.
2. Non drinkers - again, not enough stress in your life, clearly a sign of slacking. I will make allowances if you know those codes such as 'One day at a time' or 'Easy does it' clearly you drank more than your fair share at an earlier time, thus you meet the stress requirements.
--> If you never drank, Smoked or did drugs then keep your yap shut about how 'bad' these things are - don't knock it until you try it.
3. Under 30 - seriously, That dampness behind your ears is annoying.
4. Being under 6 feet tall - There are pills for that. The very least you can do is wear platform shoes or a tall hat. No excuse to be short in the 21st century.
5. Too clean in the wrong places: If we meet in the middle of the day at oh Home depot and you are clean shaven, wearing clean cloths and look like you popped out of the shower its a clear sign that you are not really a man. Real men sweat, real men get dirt on their clothes. Real men take the whole Shopping for Tools and or Materials thing seriously and don't view Home Depot as a place to be dressed up to meet your life partner.
6. Excessively clean: Honestly if its 5-6 pm and you have a job, I expect you to stink a little from sweat and smog and the whole hard work day thing. If you are sparkling clean then something is wrong, clearly you ain't gotta job and have way too much free time to preen in front of a mirror. Move along sissy boy, move along.
7. Perfume wearers. All of them. I will make allowances for late evening or early morning application of English Leather, Old Spice or Aquavelvet - the only after shaves that real men use. Anything else screams 'homo-sex-u-al.... Or worse - Me-tro-sex-u-al.
8. Clean shaven - What are you ashamed to be a man? Real men grow beards, If its 4 O'clock and you are still clean shaven you are clearly either waxing, or are too young.
9. Brand name wearer - seriously, are you gay or something? Real men don't wear brand names. They will wear Levis or Wrangler which everyone knows... But they won't make a fuss about what they were or shall I say 'who' they are wearing.
10. Smiles: In every other mammalian species showing the teeth is a sign of aggression. Showing off your pearly whites only means one thing in my books, you are territorial and getting ready to bite.
I really hate false smiles - those forced, 'I'm being nice' smiles - it makes me want to use the handle of my cane to rap out each and everyone of those teeth you are showing off.
On a more serious note.
Gossipers and opinionated S.O.B.'s annoy the fuck out of me. yeah I get it, you have an opinion - everyone does, just like assholes.
Gossip is even worse, what you need to belittle others to make yourself feel like a big man? I don't care who Chuck has done, or what sally and mark do in the photocopier room. Its none of my business, thus its none of yours.
Small talking idiots who just want to yammer away for hours talking but never saying anything. Those who follow the latest tending news stories and speak of politics as if they actually care about Left or Right policies when in truth they never registered to vote or haven't voted - I hate those sorts.
Anti-Christians who go about telling me how bad Christians are. Seriously, have no know Idea who you are addressing? I am a Christian, have I ever told you you are going to hell? Show a little respect to my faith.
Don't get me wrong, I expect every man to have a bit of tarnish and rust on his suit of armor. I will allow a lot of flaws and foibles in a person, depends on how well they are trying to be a good decent person.
If there is a general lack of trying in a person to be a better person, shoot them, hang em, whatever.
Whoa! That sounds like something I would post!!! LOL
Except for the christian Im not. Even though I have strong opinons on it, I dont slam people for it, unless they use it to abuse others and take advantage.
Curious to know whats wrong with the under 30's? Or are you meaning those smartasses who think they are mother natures "gift" to the world??