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Stay strong, and get help!

Life is not worth ending over anything!

It's something you can overcome, and if that means with help, then get that help!

I don't know your history, but it seems you relapsed with self-injury?

If that's the case, pick up where you left off, and join a support group of some sort, even if it's an AA or NA meeting.
An addiction is an addiction, and it will help!

I've been there, and back.

Suicide is no joke, so please don't risk your life!

It's sooo not worth it!!

I've seen that light at the end of the tunnel, and I've regretted ever going down it!

You will too, and you might not get lucky like I did, to turn around and get another chance to reconsider your actions!

It may not seem like it now, but life is worth living!

You only get one, and that's it!!!


This is a CLEAR CRY FOR HELP, and while i applaud all those who posted positive comments, this is a serious issue and GaySpeak should be notifying local health officials (and police) about his post. He needs HELP!

The last thing we want to read is that this wonderful young man took his life and then we all have to know that we missed the signs or didn't do something for him.


Hello Ivory,
First off may i give ya a hug... A hug of friendship to let you know that there are people in this world that will listen to you that are willing to help and will support and standby you through both thick and thin... Now with regards to the self harm this is a issue we (being you and me) need to tackle... I do understand self harm and i do understand why people cut because ive got scars and ive got evidence of a breakdown... Whats getting to you at the moment??? In life no one is alone with anything that occurs because we all have our differences and its them differences that help us through our difficult times... Ivory I want you tell use this thread as a way to get everything off your mind and I can promise you that people here at gayspeak wont judge you or de grade you any ndifferent from anything else... If they do they got aunty to answer to :-)
You said you been having troubles this weekend whats caused the train to0 de rail with problems?? Lets get these off ya chest and unloaded onto my shoulders as someone to take some of the weight... If you need to talk about anything gayspeak is always avalible 24 hours a day 7 days a week 265 days a year so if no one near you is able to help please please please come here and post away and dont worry about the outcome your welfare is most important to us mister... With depression it is a bitch to shift i do admit and often find depression can send you up and down like a rollercoaster but what i found as a bit of advice on sharing knowledge is that when you feel like your getting down and nose diving to the depths of despair just say to yourself "What the hells going on??? I must act now..." What i mkean by this is do something that you can make yourself feel like you have achieved something and lift your spirit up a little and that includes things such as tidying a room or gardening or even re arranging a room... Naturally with depression you feel like you got no umph in you however you need that spark kept alive and sometimes with depression to pull through a low period in life you need to force yourself to do something so next time it hits ya force yourself to pick yourself up... It isnt easy i admit but trust me once you get going and keep going it soon wears off because your doing something productive and even though it doesnt cure3 it it helps you take control of it and eventually hopefully beat it...
Awwww ivory whats making you feel like your beiung abused in life??? If people are playing with your emotions then maybe a distancing yourself from them could be in order and take some time out for ME time... You know what mister... On the topic of suicide i will tell you now that suicide is njever the answer... I will explain to you an experience in my life... In february this year I broke up with a guy who i thought i would live happily ever after with, settle down eventually and get married however that all went tits up over drugs and i ended it... I slowly sank into depression over it and vowed to NOT cut myself to force myself through it and not go on medication and find the strength inside to get myself to where i wanted to be.... Why??? Bercause i wanted the old me back... In april this year i began to think about ending it and even downloaded songs to play at my funeral... I have lost 2 1/2 stone in weight since we split and am aware i am depressed however i am continuing to fight because I know inside me i have the right to be me the right to live and the right to be free from all the shit in life...
You too have the right to be free, the right to live and the right to be free inside but i can only help so much and will need you to work withy me in conqurering this... Aunty has seen happy moments with you and they are great moments... You wil;l and can get them back... I would like to point out that there is no such thing as Normal in life... We are all unqiue and lovely personally in our own unquie ways and you too fit in this catergory...

If you feel you need some space to scream in please message me i do understand depression and self harm and do understand how your feeling with the whole lost situation if you ever asked me how i got by all my crap if i told you about it... Id simply say by smiling and believing in ace of base's lyrics

"We live in a free world i whistled down the wind carry on smiling and the world will smile with you life is a flower so precious in your hand carry on smiling and the world will smile with you"

Big aunty hugs

Aunty Zeon
Gayspeak Agony aunt
right now, I'm all bloody and I wanna hurt myself even more...

I'm in hell at the moment.[/QUOTE]


This is a CLEAR CRY FOR HELP, and while i applaud all those who posted positive comments, this is a serious issue and GaySpeak should be notifying local health officials (and police) about his post. He needs HELP!

The last thing we want to read is that this wonderful young man took his life and then we all have to know that we missed the signs or didn't do something for him.


Aunty already on hand tyo help :-) I may not be a medical professional but the last thing i would want if in his situation is someone knocking at my door

zeon Wrote:Aunty already on hand tyo help :-) I may not be a medical professional but the last thing i would want if in his situation is someone knocking at my door

What about the chance of learning he did succeed in his asserted attempt and we only posted well wishes? I am a professional and if I would be held liable if I did not report it. I wouldn't want anyone knocking on my door either. People who are serious about suicide often cry out for help and then are found dead because no one intervened despite their irrational wishes.

I do NOT mean to sound harsh so please do not misinterpret my opinion, but it is unacceptable in my way of thinking to NOT report with as much information that might save a life as is available. Yllove
Heart  Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!  Heart

i'm back, i did put myself in the hospital and they just released me today. Im feeling alot better now. thanks for all the comments and wishes.

Good to hear from you and glad to know you got the help you needed and are feeling better. It was a concern when we ddn't hear from you after this original posting, but a huge relief to hear from you after 3 weeks Bighug

sorry dfiant, didnt mean to scare anyone but right after i posted this, I went straight to the hospital.

We missed you pal! Welcome back on board Remybussi
Heart  Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!  Heart

Glad to see you're back and doing better.

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