So we can expect more of the same all over Europe and every where else there are gay parades and even gay marriage or is this just in the areas gays congregate in which just happen to be in areas of severe weather?
I'm so fed up with bullshit like this. First, as a Christian, I have never thought of God as a "vindictive" being. In the Old Testament he did strike down entire nations, but it was because they were persecuting the Israelites. Secondly, as a homosexual Christian I believe God loves EVERYONE!!! These hypocrites need to read their Bible and truly study it before they start picking and choosing what fits into their narrow minded little world.
One could just as easily come to the conclusion that god would want to smite New Orleans for its corrupt police department. Don't really believe it, jus sayin
A few years ago (maybe sooner, time is a slippery thing in my mind) New York was busy passing the Gay Marriage act and no one complained that the Midwest States, those who refused to accept Gay marriage were being washed out while New York was enjoying very nice weather.
No one cares to talk about Canada. Yes, tragic the events that followed the passing of national Gay Marriage in 2005. Canada was swiftly reduced to radioactive ash as brimstone and fire fell from the sky.
No, wait. Canada didn't get destroyed, and during this terrible economic 'disaster' Canada has fared very well if not thrived.
Is God sending a message? I suspect so, but its not the message that those who are 'anti-____________ (fill in the blank) want to hear.
I suspect we can can dig up a lot of evidence that supports the idea that God loves Gays and that God blessed those communities, churches and the like who support and tolerate the Gays.
The Republicans are having some sort of convention down south, and they are still being targeted by the storm. Oh sure, no one really wants to talk about that, and yeah New Orleans may be in the path. But is New Orleans really the target????
I think if God really had a problem with homosexuality, God would just vanish the gay away, no more gay people being born - end of story.
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
homophobes are always good for a laugh, I bet grinder had a ton of traffic from Florida over the past couple days.