Whr shud i strt frm.i turnd 25 few days ago bt i think i hvnt chngd a bit since past 9yrs wen i ws 16(at dat age i bcme net savvy n strtd watchng gayporn n meeting ppl) i wnt 2 do so many things in lyf,wnt 2 hve gud career,hve my own money n trvl arnd the world,do al sorts of adventurs,wnt 2 learn martial arts,wnt 2 tke classes fr foreign language lyk french,wnt 2 help poor ppl,wnt 2 do sumthng fr my country bt al my goals go for a toss wen sex cums in my mind n it is in my mind 24x7.its nt lyk i hvnt tried 2 get rid off this,i try n it last fr a week n thn i strt again n its been the sme since past nine yrs.plus my insecurities lyk m shrt 5.3(though i try 2 b positive abt it bt wenevr i see a young tal handsum guy,i bcum sad or even if sum1 taunt me i bcum sad),i'l nvr evr cn get married 2 a gurl coz m gay,i wont hve boyfren i'l hve 2 leave alone since m short,y m nt lyk othr guys who watch sports or a sport phanatic(m nt sissy,mind it).evryday i watch porn,chat n naked cam shows..m so fed up.plz help hw 2 gain my focus?i rlly wnt evry1 2 gimme sum suggstn who is goin thru my story.hoping sumthng gud frm u ppl.plz help dis hopeless fellow
Hi! I have to ask you one thing before I continue. You have made multiple posts before concerning the same issues.
Lets take the topic about your small penis that you started a while ago. You had some excellent advice. How much of that did you listen to? Did you use? Did you take to heart?
Was that advice not helpful at all? You say you are hopeless...what steps have you taken to overcome this?
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Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Bi Man in a Monogamous Straight Relationship
The best advice I can give you, is try not to post using text talk. It can be quite hard to understand and therefore you may not get best responses. I understand that English may not be your first language, but you'll learn better by trying to use the correct spelling and grammar. If I'm truly honest, I nearly skipped your post all together due to it's presentation.
Hmmmm...that's all I have to say about that, pretty hard to give any other opinion when you can't understand a thing that was written.
I'm not taking the time to translate that. Learn to use vowels, paragraphs and such, then maybe I'll have some helpful advice.
i can't understand anything that you said , so i can't give any advice ...
we all have stuff we hate at our bodies, we all wanna do great things ... takes patience and stuff.
If you don;t accept yourself , noone will, and it will be harder to get close to someone if you hate yourself.
You do whatever you want to do, noone says don;t do it :|
You are fucking 25 , wake up.