hank Wrote:But they see a need to talk down to people of my sexuality, its like out is on over drive when I am around. The word faggot will be uttered at least half a dozen times in my presence its like they know they are hurting me. I thought they loved me.
I know it hurts, and I know it is hard to hear those sorts of things from the people you love. They care for you and that is their way of showing they love you because they worry about you as they are ill informed and their fear goes like this 'Oh he is sleeping with men so he is going to get aids, we must try and stop him and make him change his ways so that he is normal'.
Hank, I ask you again, in reality, who is it that looks really looks bad? Who is it that really has poor judgement?
I know you are having a tough time, but you have done the right thing for YOU, how people accept you from here on in is completely out of your hands and is only indicative of the people that THEY ARE.
Quietly walk out of the room, the house, the entire suburb when they start talking that way, don't come down to their level and argue with them because that is what they want. They want you to argue, they want you to feel bad, they want you to change to suit them and make them feel less uncomfortable....so YOU have to show them in the most polite way possible that that isn't going to happen and that they are being inappropriate.
Stay strong mate, you have come a LONG way in a few short months. You have come to far to just give up on being true to yourself