Thanks a lot for all the feedback guys I appreciate it a lot... Prince what you're saying makes a lot of sense.
I did talk to my bf about it eventually, as I just couldn't bare the feeling knowing this. I apologized of course for looking through his phone. He said he's kind of relieved I saw it because he was feeling really uncomfortable with it. He kept saying how this dude means nothing to him and it all happened because that other guy started sending him nudies so he sent back at some point. Something he's been consistent about throughout our relationship is that that other guy doesn't mean anything to him but rather it's kind of their past friendship that's keeping interest and how they have some experiences like that other guys' parents divorcing and stuff like that.
He apologized and said he knows it was a wrong thing to do, and that guy also tried to get him to meet him but he refused....he stopped being in touch with him because it didn't feel right to him that this guy didn't respect that we were in a relationship.
Why did I look... well, I guess it's because I like to be in control I guess. I know this ex of his is someone that can't keep a boyfriend for more than few weeks, and I know he's a tease. I know they kept in touch through texting and stuff.... I guess anyone would be suspicious in that situation. I didn't want something to go behind my back.
I'll be painfully bf told me that what they did swapping pics etc. it's not something they did in the past before our relationship, and so he didn't give it any special meaning. He said he knows it's wrong and he apologized and he said he's feeling bad for it, but he said I shouldn't take it too seriously because there's not much to it. He said he didn't even answer that other guys' phone calls for some months....he also said that besides he trusts me not spying on his phone, he leaves it unattended because he in fact has nothing to hide and that although he felt really uncomfortable with what happened it has no meaning therefore he didn't feel the need to go the extra mile to hide it or something and he's feeling better that I talked about it. He also said that he didn't tell me it happened because it has no meaning and he didn't want me to freak out about nothing.
If something like that happened, don't I have the right to know? But on the other hand, would I or anyone else would tell our partner if something like that happened?
I told him that I don't want a relationship of secrets and hiding... I want the real deal. I don't really like to go into relationships because I get really emotional and I can get really hurt sadly, unlike in random sex where it is just so much easier for me to reject other people. Either he'd be my boyfriend in a relationship or he doesn't... I did set the lines and I did give him my trust when I never really told him to cut off his relationship with that other guy.
I mean, I don't wanna have a feeling I need to look at his phone to know if he's doing something behind my back! If he wanna do something that is not allowed and not right, I told him he should ask me before or we might as well not be in a monogamous relationship. I mean otherwise what's the point? he agreed.
He did leave his phone unattended after that incident again. He even asked me to set his alarm clock a few days ago when he fell asleep. Of course I didn't look in his phone other than setting the alarm clock...
I don't know. I'm still a confused. I must say my feelings for him have weakened a little.

I even dreamt about breaking up with him a few times...
I have keen senses (so I think) and I absolutely don't think he cheated on me physically especially since I know where's he's at almost 24/7, but I still feel that my trust has been betrayed and it's turning me off. I hate that feeling like I'm some fucking victim... seriously. It's really hurting my ego.
So I don't know. We've been together like 14 months now. I do have feelings for him, but I'm so disappointed this feels like our relationship is tainted you know? but I feel I might be overreacting because it's not such a big deal maybe?
I just hate that feeling that I wonder if something happens behind my back. I mean, I put full trust in him before it happened and I was a little blindsided...I'd hate to bring that discussion up again because it brings so much negative energy, you know?
He's been really nice recently, buying me stuff and trying to make up for it....but I feel more disconnected to him than ever...I'm usually very affectionate and loving, and I feel I'm giving much less than I usually do.
I guess I should just let time do it's part and see where my feelings are's not gonna be easy either way. :\