Is it unhealthy or okay in moderation?
Porn is fine in moderation, if you think you're watching too much of it then its time to sit back and find something different to do with that time. Like anything else, there are those that can get addicted to it.
I think it's great.
Although I've pretty much seen all I want to see from my regular websites...
Uhhh I mean. Yeah moderation. :3
I think porn can be a good thing if you don't get carried away or it doesn't ruin reality. That means that you don't let it dictate your life or get in the way of things. It is also good because it reminds us good times or gives us hope for the future. Porn, However, is rigged and may not represent reality.
I'm personally not the biggest fan. My favorite is looking at underwear sites. I like to see to guys kissing and cuddling naked. Basically, the still images. These are what I primarily look at. I'm not into the really graphic porn where people bodily fluids are spilling out of everything and everywhere.
porn, like anything addictive, is ok in moderation. I don't view porn, not my thing, but if others want to watch porn, that's for them to decide ;-)
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porn is great :tongue: in moderation of course.
Generally speaking, everything is best in moderation. And generally speaking and overlooking a lot of details, porn is ok as long as it's not mistaken for reality.
I don't know how it works for gay men, but I've met more than my share of straight men who get confused and even angry when I don't act like some ridiculous trollop from their porn, and of course they think the problem is with me rather than their distorted view of women, and I know in some cases they're really into porn and I suspect nearly all of them are.
Btw, I say the same thing to women who read too many romance novels, especially that all too common drivel about making the bad boy (like the pirate, the villain trying to throw her on the streets, the vampire who normally just kills humans, the dastardly rake, etc) falling in love with the heroine and suddenly he's going to turn around and never use his strength to harm her no matter how often he's screwed other women, and plenty of women seem to mistake that for real life, too, and I know a bunch of them get into the romance genre of that nature and I think they confuse fantasy with reality, just as many guys do with porn.
Never liked it. in fact some of it was a downright turn-off. What ever does it for you i guess. It also deepened self-loathing.for a
it's okay if people realize that what happens in porn is generally pretty unrealistic~
i know a girl who had a guy just shove his dick in her ass (without lube ... *shudder*) because "women in porn totally love that"
actually , i know way too many girls who have been with guys who expect them to act like porn stars during sex 0__o