I like when people say no to me...
I don't mind hearing no constantly...and even if it's something I would want to, I have so little self-esteem that I just go with it..
but if your issue is not being able to do that, oh my, you're in good hands, cause I rarely force people into things, or demands things...
Anyway.....I kinda get anxiety-going-into-panic-attacks in the presence of massive crowds....and it's only getting worse with the years :frown: D/H
Date - however if it is getting worse I strongly urge you to see therapy to find out why it is getting worse.
I have an irrational fear of planes crashing when I am on them - no I do not fear flying, its gravity that trips me up. Hate or date?
Date....if we were ever to travel, I wouldn't mind trains or buses....
I have sat on a bus for 36 hours from Valparaiso to Montevideo in Uruguay...It would have taken me 2 hours in a plane but I prefered the bus.
I though I was overcoming it but I stumbled into a crowd today, I wasn't prepared and all I managed was to sat in a corner crying. It's happening more often rather than declining now
I'm overall not capable of dealing with the "outside" world unless forced D/H
Date. I prefer to be home alone. So we can be at home alone together? Sound good?
I would rather spend a nice night at home reading, cuddling and watching movies than going out. D/H
Date. I'm a homebody myself.
Aside from grocery shopping I haven't left the property in 3 months - Hate or date?
Date: I am that way too - granted sex is grand and all of that, but snuggling/cuddling/casual touch are fundamental to me in a relationship. I wither and die without touch.
I might never say 'I love you' but I will show you my love in a thousand insignificant little ways - hate or date?
Date - that means a lot more to me than three words and nothing insignificant :-)
Hate or date - my lip balm is essential.
Could not care less about what you put in your face (and it is a nice one, btw) so date
I don't know how to drive and I'm not interested to learn (and if you do, no, I don't want you driving me everywhere, my legs and the public transport are just fine) D/H