Pix Wrote:Please try to show sensitivity to some of the gay parents here.
First, I am speaking from such a position of total comfort because I "didn't get to pick" - things happened and as the dad I just kept making lemonade. That's what ya have to do once the ship has set sail and buccaneers on board - I was gonna type four pages about it but I caught myself.

I just wanted to say that where Rumble lives, the culture may be rough and unlike here, the people don't just look at the detractants and say "That's nice, but this is the United States and we invite anybody who doesn't like us to go to Hel*, especially each other" - Backed up by the other half of the neighborhood, because we've had single and gay parents on the roaster so long that they have as much friendship and support as opposition.
In his culture they may not be there and not the internal, but the external influences and forces may be meaner and more heartless than some of the rest of us encounter.
But I also wanna say Rumble - you got to change, learn and grow because when you do go to have babies? You better forget Fear, Doubt and Weakness completely because that ruins a child much more than having one or same sex parents.
Think you aren't smart or tough enough? YOU'RE NOT! (me neither) only this

is - again, the secret that reveals the way and trumps everything else so well, even a dummy can and everybody knows even a dummy knows

I think you'll be alright.....