Undreamt Wrote:desperation can lead to brash choices and extreme reactions.
You sound a little paniced and thats fair enough as long as you are acknowledging it. Just remember to breathe 
fights can and do happen if things are meant to work out then they will.
Try to be calm and approach the situation from an objective standpoint.
Work out what happened, don't play the victim but don't try to blame the situation all on him. (it takes two to argue)
Also try to identify the difference between your feelings.
crush, longing, love, lust, desire, need for companionship, sometimes all can feel the same.
It can be upsetting to loose a close friend, perhaps some distance now may be benificial in the long run
I am panicked, and it has thrown me into a severe depression I can't seem to get out of. I am so torn between genuine love for him and irrational anger at him that I don't know what to do, and it's effecting every aspect of my life....I'm suicidal, I can say that here right?
I didn't think I was in love with him, until I was without him for a couple months...Now I know, and I feel terrible. I feel terrible for putting my wife through this.
Nothing sexual would ever happen between us, I know, I tried, six months ago he showed me his penis, after we looked at porn on the net, and I told him I was bi, and I begged him to let me touch it. He left it out for a long time contemplating, before telling me he didn't feel comfortable with it. I left it at that, but we both felt bad and awkward, so we went out and did something manly....we went mud riding at 2am...and we got stuck in the mud. A cop had to carry us home. When he got back to his house, he told his wife and mother in law it was all my fault. He left out the part about us looking at porn together....and me telling them I was bi before he took it out.
Before he told them, my wife already knew....because I sat her down in front of him and told her the truth. He wasn't at all upset at that time. But his attitude changed after he got home...
But we continued being friends after about two weeks of not talking...and I apologized to his wife face to face.
Since then I have been there for him as a friend, during marriage trouble, and when he cried on my shoulder and begged me to not let him kill himself....I helped support him buying him groceries,....so much I did for this boy,, anytime he needed me I was always there. I would always go get him when he was bored at home....he was with me more than he was his wife, and she hated me for that.
One night they got into a huge fight and she texted me to come get him, she wanted a divorce...so I stopped what I was doing and went and got him...I held him while he cried...that's when he begged me not to let him kill himself. He talked me into letting him drive my car. he had no license...and we got stopped by the local police. They ticketed him for not having a license...$560....this was Oct. 1st...I tried to help raise money for the tickets, and sold things for him, and he didn't much try to help himself...I even took him to go get his drivers license so he would only have to pay half the ticket....he failed the written test...
All the while, my friends and my wife told me to stop helping him, that I was only hurting myself, and why was I selling everything I owned to raise money for him...so I stopped helping, and took away my support....we got in a huge fight, I threatened him with a baseball bat....and now we don't talk and his wife thoroughly hates me......her mother was one of my best and longest friendships...and it's gone....
It's hard to put all the situation into words in this forum...because there is so much more....
and what's really bad is that I now know I have never loved anyone in my life more than I love this boy...ever....and I don't want to live my life without him in it...I don;t even care how many times he's hurt me....I love him....and I know it's wrong and I know I'm married, he;s married....but it doesn't change the way I feel at all.