Cat Wrote:I know nobody on here really knows me outside a few chats, but there is really nowhere else I can turn at this point. The last three months have been some of the worst of my life. I have been dealing with severe harassment from peers and apathy from family members. The only thing I really wanted was to lead a normal life, or as close to normal as life gets. Instead it seems things escalate every day and whenever I feel like it couldn't possibly get worse it does. Lately, I struggle with thoughts of suicide and every time I don't do it I feel like a failure. I am too depressed to eat or sleep most days. I feel like I should have ended things long ago, before life got even more unbearable. I've talked to counselors but what is the use when the only affirmative human contact one has is a therapist? I used to believe in God but I don't think I do anymore. I have just seen too many supposedly religious people turn their backs on others for not sharing in their beliefs or following their code of conduct. Even if there were a God I doubt he would have had a hand in creating someone as useless as me. I just wish I could end it all
I have much to say to you.
I've been there, my friend, really, I have. I know what you're going through. I wish I could be there with you, face-to-face and listen, and hug you, and advise you (you don't happen to live in Israel, right?)
I was a mess, I thought no one would EVER love me and accept me the way I am. I was shattered and I pondered doing away with myself countless times.
I would imagine a world devoid of humans, as I believed human beings were evil by nature. I know what you're going through, really, I do.
Nowadays I have tons of gay friends, my straight friends have accepted me, without even blinking an eye. My parents know about me and accept me the way I am and I've been in two relationships that didn't last, but have made me a better person.
All of these things can happen to you too!
I suggest looking for gay friends. Once you've done it, you'll feel normal. Human beings are social creatures - we're only as normal as the people surrounding us. If you find gay friends (online and then maybe you could, in time, meet in person), you'll be accepted as one of their own. You'll see life as an endless experience. I promise you, you can do it, just like I did.
I'm willing to talk to you on Skype and be your friend, I'm willing to private-message here with you, I can tell you how I got to where I am, which is beautiful, really beautiful.
Listen, I know it's tough out there, but you should know three things:
1. You're not alone. You're not the only person to have to go through all of this sh*t.
2. This thing can be stopped, what you're feeling inside CAN and most probably WILL stop.
3. Horrific thoughts about the future ("They'll never accept me and love me the way I am...") most often don't come true (as in my case and as in many of my friends' cases).
Talk to me, my friend, I will listen and help you as best I can.
<3 <3 <3