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Why can't I keep a friend?
I have never had an easy time making friends. On the outside, most people assume that I do, but I don't. I spent my youth living overseas (the UAE) but my parents moved us back to the US in my early teens. Having been educated in British schools while in the UAE, when we first moved to Louisiana, I had an English accent, which did NOT go over well with my new classmates. I was ridiculed and beaten daily. Every yearbook I have shows me with black eyes, busted lips, and a generally beaten look. One of my teachers even spit on me and called me a "little faggot" when I was 13.

My father was always a big guy; a real "man's man" so to speak, and he saw my abuse from my school mates and teachers as a failing on my part. Though I begged my parents to let me move in with my grandparents in NYC, my father refused, saying that I needed to "tough up". Those were very hard years for me.

Eventually graduation arrived and I immediately left home and moved to NYC to my grandparent's house, but the years of abuse at the hands of my peers had left their mark: I felt ugly and unloveable. I believed that I was worthless. I was VERY VERY shy, and when I started Art School it was very difficult for me to make friends. Also, I was terrified of confrontation.

Towards the end of my first year, something amazing happened. I was approached by one of my teachers and asked if I would consider meeting a friend of her's who wanted to take some pictures of me. The woman's name was Karen White, and she owned a modeling agency. Suddenly it seemed that I had all of the friends I had always dreamed of having, and I worked for the agency for almost a year....until tradegy struck.

I was diagnosed with cancer at 19 years old. My left lung was riddled with small tumors and the doctor urged my parents to allow him to remove the lung and for me to start chemo to save my life. Except.....after the surgery to remove my lung, it turned out NOT to be cancer! Instead it was discovered that I had an immune disorder called Sarcoidoisis (which COULD have been detected with a simple blood test had the doctor thought to do so). I was left with a horrible scar on my chest and 3 ribs removed----no more modeling career. No more friends.
My self hatred returned. My belief that I was ugly returned. I felt worthless again. I quit school and found jobs that I could do where I didn't have to interact with people in person.

Eventually, in my mid-twenties, I took a job doing the books for a resturant. One night, 3 of the servers failed to show up for work and my employer asked if I would go out and wait tables to try and get through the night. It turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. I discovered that I was very good at waiting tables, and as time passed I lost my shyness and became adept at speaking publicly to groups of people. I became good at making jokes and getting people to laugh and have a good time. That night of waiting tables eventually led to me owning my own restaurant and, later, a catering company and a B&B.

Over the years I did well for myself. Though it took me a long time to accept, I realized that most people find me rather attractive. In fact, though I know many readers will think me vain, I came to realize that most people find me to be exceptionally attractive, which leads me to the point if my post: I still have a lot of trouble making friends.

In particular I have problems making gay friends. Invariably, when I meet another gay man, they end up hitting on me. No matter how hard I try, it seems that eventually any gay, male (but not always--females too) friends I make endup trying to get me in bed. It doesn't seem to matter to them that I am happily married, eventually (usually after a few drinks) my "friends" end up trying to "hook-up" with me and when I turn them down (no matter how desperately I try and be polite about it), that is the end of the friendship.

This past year I have become very involved in charities, and in doing so I made friends with an older gay man (lets call him "Micky") who, much to my delight, seemed to understand that I am happiy married and seemed to really like me as a REAL friend. "Micky" and my husband even became friends, and I was SO happy to finally have someone to confide in and feel safe around. I was so happy....

Until Christmas. "Micky" had another friend come from out of town over the Christmas Hollidays (who we will call "Ivan"), so my husband and I decided to invite "Micky" and "Ivan" to drop by and visit us on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, "Micky's" car broke down that morning, which put him in a bind since they had plans to visit many people and could not do so without a car. So my husband and I ended up driving them around to all their stops so they could still continue with their plans. We even let them spend the night in one of our spare bedrooms, but right before bed-time "Ivan" cornered me in the bathroom (all hands) and I had to turn him down. I was as nice as I could be, explaining that my husband and I are monogamous. I went to bed that night thinking that all was well, and when we got up on Christmas Day we exchanged gifts with "Micky" and "Ivan" (though "Ivan" had not gotten any gift for us, we didn't care we just didn't want him to feel left out). Then we drove them back to "Micky's" apartment, making plans for New Year during the drive.

Today I called "Micky" to see where we should meet for our New Years plans.....except....he told me he didn't want to be friends anymore. When I asked why, he said it was because I had tried to force myself on "Ivan".

I feel so hurt right now. Once again I find myself friendless. I have a wonderful husband. I have a very good life for the most part, but there is something missing: I don't have friends.

Thank you for listening to my rant. I am just so sad. Once again I am without friends. Why? What is wrong with me that I can't keep a friend? Why do my friendships ALWAYS end because I don't want to have sex with someone?

I am so upset rut now. I feel so worthless.

Beaux Wrote:I have never had an easy time making friends. On the outside, most people assume that I do, but I don't. I spent my youth living overseas (the UAE) but my parents moved us back to the US in my early teens. Having been educated in British schools while in the UAE, when we first moved to Louisiana, I had an English accent, which did NOT go over well with my new classmates. I was ridiculed and beaten daily. Every yearbook I have shows me with black eyes, busted lips, and a generally beaten look. One of my teachers even spit on me and called me a "little faggot" when I was 13.

My father was always a big guy; a real "man's man" so to speak, and he saw my abuse from my school mates and teachers as a failing on my part. Though I begged my parents to let me move in with my grandparents in NYC, my father refused, saying that I needed to "tough up". Those were very hard years for me.

Eventually graduation arrived and I immediately left home and moved to NYC to my grandparent's house, but the years of abuse at the hands of my peers had left their mark: I felt ugly and unloveable. I believed that I was worthless. I was VERY VERY shy, and when I started Art School it was very difficult for me to make friends. Also, I was terrified of confrontation.

Towards the end of my first year, something amazing happened. I was approached by one of my teachers and asked if I would consider meeting a friend of her's who wanted to take some pictures of me. The woman's name was Karen White, and she owned a modeling agency. Suddenly it seemed that I had all of the friends I had always dreamed of having, and I worked for the agency for almost a year....until tradegy struck.

I was diagnosed with cancer at 19 years old. My left lung was riddled with small tumors and the doctor urged my parents to allow him to remove the lung and for me to start chemo to save my life. Except.....after the surgery to remove my lung, it turned out NOT to be cancer! Instead it was discovered that I had an immune disorder called Sarcoidoisis (which COULD have been detected with a simple blood test had the doctor thought to do so). I was left with a horrible scar on my chest and 3 ribs removed----no more modeling career. No more friends.
My self hatred returned. My belief that I was ugly returned. I felt worthless again. I quit school and found jobs that I could do where I didn't have to interact with people in person.

Eventually, in my mid-twenties, I took a job doing the books for a resturant. One night, 3 of the servers failed to show up for work and my employer asked if I would go out and wait tables to try and get through the night. It turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. I discovered that I was very good at waiting tables, and as time passed I lost my shyness and became adept at speaking publicly to groups of people. I became good at making jokes and getting people to laugh and have a good time. That night of waiting tables eventually led to me owning my own restaurant and, later, a catering company and a B&B.

Over the years I did well for myself. Though it took me a long time to accept, I realized that most people find me rather attractive. In fact, though I know many readers will think me vain, I came to realize that most people find me to be exceptionally attractive, which leads me to the point if my post: I still have a lot of trouble making friends.

In particular I have problems making gay friends. Invariably, when I meet another gay man, they end up hitting on me. No matter how hard I try, it seems that eventually any gay, male (but not always--females too) friends I make endup trying to get me in bed. It doesn't seem to matter to them that I am happily married, eventually (usually after a few drinks) my "friends" end up trying to "hook-up" with me and when I turn them down (no matter how desperately I try and be polite about it), that is the end of the friendship.

This past year I have become very involved in charities, and in doing so I made friends with an older gay man (lets call him "Micky") who, much to my delight, seemed to understand that I am happiy married and seemed to really like me as a REAL friend. "Micky" and my husband even became friends, and I was SO happy to finally have someone to confide in and feel safe around. I was so happy....

Until Christmas. "Micky" had another friend come from out of town over the Christmas Hollidays (who we will call "Ivan"), so my husband and I decided to invite "Micky" and "Ivan" to drop by and visit us on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, "Micky's" car broke down that morning, which put him in a bind since they had plans to visit many people and could not do so without a car. So my husband and I ended up driving them around to all their stops so they could still continue with their plans. We even let them spend the night in one of our spare bedrooms, but right before bed-time "Ivan" cornered me in the bathroom (all hands) and I had to turn him down. I was as nice as I could be, explaining that my husband and I are monogamous. I went to bed that night thinking that all was well, and when we got up on Christmas Day we exchanged gifts with "Micky" and "Ivan" (though "Ivan" had not gotten any gift for us, we didn't care we just didn't want him to feel left out). Then we drove them back to "Micky's" apartment, making plans for New Year during the drive.

Today I called "Micky" to see where we should meet for our New Years plans.....except....he told me he didn't want to be friends anymore. When I asked why, he said it was because I had tried to force myself on "Ivan".

I feel so hurt right now. Once again I find myself friendless. I have a wonderful husband. I have a very good life for the most part, but there is something missing: I don't have friends.

Thank you for listening to my rant. I am just so sad. Once again I am without friends. Why? What is wrong with me that I can't keep a friend? Why do my friendships ALWAYS end because I don't want to have sex with someone?

I am so upset rut now. I feel so worthless.

Im replying to this as I kind of have experience in this area concerning gay friends. Firstly Id like to let you know its perfectly possible to have gay friends without the whole sexual aspect. I have a handful of good gay friends and they are top lads, proper friends for life and we are just there for each other nothing else. I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with you, you just haven't met the right type of friends yet. Im only 22 but years ago when i was at school age 11 I was very shy and didn't talk to people, so I kind of know about the whole not having friends thing. In general I do have more straight male friends but thats just circumstances. But yeah some gay guys can be bitches and worse than some women :p don't worry about it. :-)

You're life has been so full of pain and i'm so sorry for everything that has happened. Bighug

Let me say that it's not you, It's them. It's so cliche to say but I've been in similar events.

I hope 2013 is a bright year for you.

P.S, I don't see you as being 'worthless' Smile Chin up, Love.

I am so sorry that you have been through such a bad time.
It must have been a nightmare ,but please believe me when I say you are not worthless.

You are a sweet young man that is a survivor ,you have morals , something that is quickly fading from society, never allow the frenemies in your life to make you feel less than what you are.

Honestly I am surprised that Mickey accused you and sentenced you without finding out the truth or giving you a chance to explain.
He needs to hear the truth .

You will find friends that accept you for who you are not what you look like.
Sometimes it pays to make some sound about someone with roaming hands , I know you are not confrontational , but when it comes to that , it is better to let them have it.

There are times that call for politeness and times that do not , being molested in your own home is not the time to be polite.

Make sure your "NO" is understood, you have the right to say "No" you have the right to protect your own body and decide who you willingly share it with ,and who you don't.
You have the right to keep your vows and if someone cannot accept that , you also have the right to show them the door.

Real friends do not hit on you , real friends will respect the boundaries of your marriage, and real friends will ask you what happened, not condemn you.

You are a very sweet young man that anyone would be happy and proud to call you friend.
Don't let them change you , don't let them destroy your good name ,don't let them come between you and your husband.

Sweetheart, I know this sounds harsh , but how people treat you is up to you.

Here for you.

Hey, I'm sorry things have been rough. However, you seem to have done well for yourself. You didn't let your early years determine your older years. You have someone to spend time with. A lot foe people would love that. It sucks that Ivan decided to lie on you. That shows a big character problem. I know this may sound a little weird, but at least you found out what kind of person Ivan was before things got to bad or he lied to your husband. As far as I am concerned, that could have been way worse. As far as friends, see if there is a way for you and your husband to meet other couples. Whether it be online, or at a club. You may even want to look for some ways to volunteer in your community. Id there a LGBT center nearby? As strange as this may sound, see if a Gay affirming church has some activities or volunteer opportunities. Not a promise, but just a suggestion. Friends won't fall from the sky. Happy New Year! May it be a year of new and healthy friendships.

you are not worthless.

you are just being terribly hard on yourself.

give yourself a break. you are a human being after all at the end of the day.

My heart truly goes out for you and all that you have gone through. You know, life is full of those things that you can't control, so don't be too hard on yourself. You seem like an amazing person and you seem to have a good relationship with your husband, something that a lot of people out there don't. So you are actually in a better place now then a lot of people who will sleep alone tonight.

When it comes to friends, you just have to wait. Friends are not like watermelon, you don't go to the supermarket and pick out what you want. Friendship, true friendship even, is fated and sometimes may appear anywhere at anytime and will be naturally drawn to you. So don't worry about it too much.

Remembers, just like Rainbowmum said, you are a survivor. What is this puny little incident going to do to you? Nothing, that's what. You have survived all those times that are so much worse than this, so this should be nothing. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and held your head high.

Have a wonderful New Year, full of light and love. Flaming

I have had same issues. I just want friends but they soon end up wanting more - much more! Sad

I just want to say thanks to everyone who took the time to post on this thread. I really appreciate your warm wishes and advice.
I have decided that I need to just let all of what happened roll off my back (so to speak). Some people simply aren't worth the tears, and if someone is that quick to judge me (especially after my husband and I went so far out of our way to help them), then they aren't worth being friends with anyway!
Bless all of you and may your lives be joyous the New Year!

a 40+year old man will have issues making friends. Most people that age have struggled with a relationship and are out of tune with the friendship thingy. Ask them when was the last time they slept over at a friends house (as only a friend). Not. When was the last time they called on a friend just to hang out.

Gay men as friends is even more difficult. Reference how difficult it would be straight men hanging out with the ladies? How would their wives behave for all that

Say if your good at working on cars, offer your services in return for a person good at computers. Invite friends over to help hang dry wall, something not sexual where an extra pair of hands is a benefit. Consider gay couples going on a date and sleeping in their own beds in the end

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