01-28-2013, 11:55 PM
Bi in the closet... Gosh...

SolemnBoy Wrote:Okay, this might just be because I'm currently undecided as to my sexuality (although listed as gay because my attraction to men is dominant), but it really infuriates me to see prejudice aimed at bisexuals from gay people.I give you five years. After that time I will come to Sweden and marry you.
1. I acknowledge that some bisexuals are just afraid of coming out as gay, and that some of them are just confused. That doesn't apply to all of them, anyone whose grasp of logic isn't seriously demented should understand that.
2. If someone would be uninterested in me merely because I'm not 100% gay and might leave him for a woman, then I'd gladly move on knowing that a person so possessive and filled with assumptions isn't worth anyone's time anyways. If you wouldn't get romantically inclined with someone just because his potential partners are many compared to those of a gay man, you have some severe trusting issues to work with.
Ugh, sorry for coming off as so hostile I just really don't like the way some gay people treat bisexuals like cheating time-bombs of promiscuity...
