I am so very happy you are still with us, I love you my friend.

You scared me half to death when you said you felt like going back .
Perhaps deprogramming is what is needed here more than therapy.
I say that because ,children that have been brought up in a cult are programed to return at a later time usually as adults.
David evil does leave a stain or a scent , other evil creatures can pick up on it.
It is strongest when you are low in faith and vulnerable.
I believe Blue was evil ,after all what better trophy than the soul of a holy man?
If I were there right now I would cleanse you with sage, I would cleanse the whole house with it .
You need to reconnect with nature , with your strengths and your faith not necessarily religion but the faith of over coming, the faith of being worthy.
Sending you healing and protective light.
I have two shoulders ,one to lean on the other to cry on , I offer them both to you.