I also say that if you begin to feel like a stalker towards your own boyf, there are serious issues in your relationship!
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Threads: 46
Joined: Jan 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
UPDATE... So i spoke to him, he finallllly listened i think, its been steady the last few days and iv took the advice given too.
I have stopped the messaging etc. Now its a matter of....why arent you txting me lol. i cant win. but at least i know he secretly gives a s**t.
I feel alot better and just hope the steadyness carrys on for us.
thanks guys :+)
Ok....this is really confusing.....i wish you would put some context into your follow-up posts...for example, your last post was an "UPDATE" and that you two talked? WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT? What did he say was his issues/concerns? What did you say? Did you do more listening or more talking?
And even more confusing is your comment that now he's askign WHY you aren't textign anymore? Can you see why i'm scratching my head? I mean, in your talk did you say, "Fine, i understand, you don't want me texting you all the time.....i'll stop"
Without more info on WHAT you guys are talking about, it's tough to really respond.
For me, i'm wanting to know what happend on new years eve that started this whole thing off?
next, in the 3 years together, has there been issues of cheating (or your accusing him of maybe cheating because he's texted guys or is online or something like that?
More info will help me give more sage advice!
ps: how's your sex life with him?