I have seizures of several variety, from second long lapses (absence seizures) to full out on the floor fits.
There have been days where I haven't had a fall on the floor fit and have had missing time, simply because I was having a lot of absence seizures. The more I have in a string, the more likely I will forget the time between each episode.
MRI would only show brain damage, I have a bit of scar tissue on the brain which is THOUGHT to be the reason why I have seizures. The did EEG tests and induced seizure through strobe lights to diagnose epilepsy. Blood tests will not show seizures, it may show chemical causes for a seizure.
As for the question of UFOs. As a kid back on the farm in Kentucky 14 to nearly 16 there was several months of some strange shape 'craft' that flew in an odd manner, not a straight light, it sort of zig-zagged. It was too far up to see it clearly, but it was in the twilight when it would show up and it had a metallic reflection of the setting sun.
Then years later when I lived in Nevada I saw a 'disc' shaped UFO while camping out in the desert. It wasn't a true rounded disk, it was more elliptical. A couple years later Star Trek Next Generation started airing, the shape of the primary hull was pretty close to the shape of that UFO.
I haven't looked for one. Going to start looking for them. Seen lots of satellite float past with the sun shining on them. See lots of shooting starts even once saw a comet. No space craft of any sorts tho I'd like to met an alien. They have made contact, it's true!
Don't care what anyone else thinks u.u
I like the scene from Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home when the crew of Enterprise have just landed in a Sanfransisco Park in a cloaked Klingon vessel.
At that moment the one of the crew of a trash van witness the landing and turning to the driver says, "Did you see that?" The driver responds with, "No, and neither did you!"
If and I do mean IF such beings exist I think we are still not ready to engage with them.
It would destabalise the entire socio-economic system.
As for being intelligent... they practice cattle mutilation and anal probing on their abductees...
Anal Probing... I'm a going UFO hunting!!!
as a teenager doing my homework at my desk one night - the desk faced the window and the curtains were open - had this uneasy feeling I was being watched and was inclined to look up out of the window - all I could see was an intense red light at the window but it wasn't blinding - fixed, not moving, no sound - i stood up mesmorized - I turned for a split second to find the window lock key and when I turned back it had gone and I was able to see across the farmer's fields at the back of the house once again - odd