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I'm a : Single Gay Man
At first I read this laughing, thinking of how this is probably a troll question or at least he was trolled, then I remembered people like Pat Robertson, Michelle Bachmann, Jerry Fellwell, and Todd Akin exist, and, I still continued laughing.
You're friends with a racist? Even the people I just mentioned aren't racist, or at least don't admit to it. I am going to assume it's fake, either him or you. If he's real then enjoy your scumbag racist friend.
I would say first, the Bible doesn't mention homosexuality, at least not in its original language. It mentions a strange word in Greek, arsenokoitai, Arseno meaning male, and koitai meaning bed. Arsenokoitai may mean a male dorm or a homosexual man the difference is made by the context. Its found in the context with malakos, catamites, and pornos. Malakos means soft, weak, tender, again depending in the context. Catamites means a male that has no beard. And pornos means a prostitute.
So a man that beds a tender, soft, weak, beardless prostitute, that is male, remember arsenokoitai, is the abomination, a child molestor. Its quite clear that the Bible refers to a very specific type if homosexuality.
This is also Jewish culture where women are property (ancient culture of course) so marriage was almost like a title. Young girls were wives, so that is why there was no mention of female homosexuality in the Jewish scripture. It is an assault to a man to be a wife or a piece of property, this was forbidden.
As we all know the greeks in those days liked boy concubines or sex slaves, the Jews were commanded to act differently. Jews were amidst the greeks, Corinth, the name sake of the biblical book of Corinthians, was a city, is a city in Greece. This book is where this homosexuality business in the Bible stems from. Its misinterpreted.
But all that is a wash, basically Jesus himself said that those who love God and love their fellow man are worthy of his kingdom. He put forth only two commandments.
So if you love God and love your fellow man you are in with the lord
I don't think your "friend" gives a half a shit what the Bible says, he broke a commandment, he broke both of Jesus's.
Telling someone they will go to hell its judgment, its really the only biblical form of judgment. Playing the judge in the sentencing of those that "wrong the lord" is playing God. He put a false idol-in this case himself, over God. He isn't doing this to love you, he is spiteing God by pretending he can pass such judgment, plus all of our black brothers and sisters in Christ.
Another biblical slogan that people over look in their haste is what ever scale you use to measure others will be used to measure you.
I hope you have enough ammo to hit him back and let him scramble to justify his hatred with writings that are meant to spread love.
Sink his false piety ship.
You just surprised me there. It appears you took it upon yourself to learn what the bible really says. Kudos.