Hey guys
I have a quick question... I'm just curious when you are bi and in a relationship with a girl do you ever have the 'urge ' to do stuff with a guy? I've always wondered
I may be the wrong person to answer, since I'm just starting to peek out of the closet. I can say that the whole time I was married to my ex-wife, I never had the urge to do anything with anyone, no matter what gender they were. There's a difference between appreciating people from afar and actually considering any urges.
Well as a bi male (and yes I'm actually bi lol) in a relationship with another male at the moment I get urges quite often to be with women again. Luckily my boyfriend knows I'm bi, and so is he, so we talk and discuss it regularly. The last female I dated knew I was bi and actually enjoyed that lol. We would talk about sex and who's hot and who's not and even then I craved both.
So to answer yea lol
As a bi guy who has been in relationships with guys and gals, my quick answer is yes. When I was with my wife I occasionally found myself physically attracted to a guy, but never acted on it. It was no more so than being occasionally attracted to another woman.
Now that I have a boyfriend I notice my attractions to other men and women, as well. I just don't act on those attractions since I committed to an exclusive relationship.
Yes I do. And no I don't act on them cause what i have now is more important then a fling.
keep things simple = avoid fail
I am a pure gay ,only like man ,I am stange who are bi guys
I've never been in a relationship with a guy, but that's because I'm in the closet for 18 years. but whenever I was dating, I would feel attracted to other guys, but not actually feel the urge to do something with them.
I've always wanted to date a bi guy not sure why. I'm myself gay although I have found myself facing bi urges when drunk once or twice. Reason for wanting to date a bi guy would be just that I feel like most bi guys tend to be more broish which i tend to get along with better.