hey bros, how are you all, a long time no being here , hope you all are fine. i am back, who am i ? yeah, i am the most powerful vampire damon ............lol...........................
Overspent for the first time. Damn it.
Let this be a lesson for yours truly.
For the most part, I'm doing well. I stumbled upon two videos on Youtube that seriously had me in stitches for over an hour (Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2 and Your Mom Hates Black Swan Love Scenes). My mood kind of crashed a bit when my mom's laptop did and it took about four hours to get mine up and running. That was a nice little 'mood boost' but it didn't stay like that for long after I found out that alot of the sites that I'm on often are blocked from my new laptop in order to 'protect it.' Blah.
I'm over it now though and I'm currently enjoying a healthy dose of Pringles, Reese's, Diet Pepsi, and Camels while chatting. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my night but I suppose I could be worse off...like in jail...or something, haha.
Its the 18th day of spring and we essentially had our first taste of summer, 31c but thanks to some bushfires there was a lot of smoke haze around. I had a lazy day considering it was my first day of work and decided to watch 'Matching Jack', an Australian movie from 2010 staring Kodi Smit-McPhee, and absolutely engaging young Australian actor.
A beautiful moving about a relationship between 2 boys facing mortality due to luekemia and the relationship that develops between the mother of one boy and the father of the other boy. If you decide to watch it, keep your Kleenex handy.
How i feel today?
The usual mood nothing specific
Not very well.
I seriously hate judgemental and shallow people. Urgh. :/