Hello In The Closet (You need a nick name or something!). I read your post, and it hurt. It really did, I wish I could be your friend in person, just to give you someone to talk with, but I can't be there. If you would like someone to talk with, I plan on staying in these forums for some time to come, so I'll do that instead.
I feel like I was at your stage a few years ago, probably around when I was 16. Back then, I literally had to force myself to stare into the mirror, to look into my eyes, and I had to say, "I
am gay." I paused, and then said, "And there is nothing wrong with that". And I sat on the foot stool in the washroom, and I sat with myself and accepted myself. The first person I came out to was me.
Because I laid in bed at night too, and I was afraid. I am still afraid, to be honest.
But a lot of what has made me better, is that I don't want people to go through what I have had to go through. I got involved in groups at my school, I gave presentations on why bullying and abuse is wrong. I helped in an initiative that, I know personally, saved lives. I moved out of an abusive environment; I live with someone now that will accept me when I am ready.
It is difficult to change your perspective, but you can do.

You asked, "Do you think once I tell them, my self confidence will boost?"
I've come out to several people. The answer is that in the LONG TERM, absolutely yes. In the short term, it depends on their response.
I read your previous posts, and it sounds like your sister knows. Before you come out to them, ask her for her opinion, if you're close to her. If you are close to her
she will care. You might be able to arrange to move in with her in the event of an emergency --- I have such an arrangement with the parent of a friend.
Lastly, as a personal challenge, try to look at some good things that have happened because you're gay. It might be hard, and it might take you awhile. But somewhere in your life, those things are there. I think about them often and it helps me.
And look up some groups. An example of a brilliant is "WipeOutHomophobia on Facebook", when I was 16 it literally made me cry. I would highly recommend looking at it.
I honestly think you can do it.