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my whole life ? i wouldn't want to
i didn't have any control over most of the traumatic things that happened , so they'd most likely happen all over again and i definitely wouldn't want that.
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Not right now anyway.
Though I dislike a lot of what I have done (or rather have not done), I do not think I want to go through it all again; even if things could go differently.
Or at least there are enough positive things in my life right now for me to prefer things staying the way they are(or were?).
Weird question actually.
I think the question is very complicated because you can't be happy in your life without having done mistakes. The "how I succeeded" is for me more important than "I succeed". Life wouldn't be interesting if we hadn't done mistakes. Those build your personnality, which is probably more interesting than if your life were perfect.
I will just repeat this silly life all over again, with the exception of some stupid mistakes.
Since I don't know how my life turns out, as it's not over yet, that might not be my best option.
While I had a lot of crappy experiences in my life, from horrible child abuse to being homeless on the street, from walking hallowed halls in pursuit of Church which I mistook as God to finding divine inspiration in a gram of speed injected directly into a vein - it all is part of who and what I am and makes me who I am today.
Less drugs, or more drugs, being raised in a well adjusted home over the nightmare that was my childhood - those would profoundly impact who I am and I wouldn't be what I am today.
Despite or because of all the ugly in my life I'm a half decent fella with a little compassion for my fellow human bean. Perhaps I needed all that ugly to be a half decent fella and if there was less ugly I would have become a selfish, egotistical, lover of money who would have no problem crushing everyone around me in order to make a dollar. Or worse, I might have become a politician. *shudders*
I'm not saying there are parts of my life I don't hate. There are a few highlights I hate and loath and really, really wish I never experienced. However I am a bit real about it and understand that those bits are part of me and do form a substantial chunk of the person I call 'Me'.
Looking back at my life, every choice, every action, every move I made on the chess board of life put me in the right place at the exact right moment to meet the people I needed to meet, to do the things I needed to do in order to be who I am today.
If I was to change but one thing, then all of those wonderful people I met in life I mayn't have met. All of those delicious moments and fleeting joys, all of those truly wonderful experiences which I and I alone have had mayn't have taken place.
Each long night of suffering and pain ended with a beautiful sunrise. If it wasn't for the suffering I may not have appreciated those sunrises half as much.
For better or for worse everything in my life has happened all according to The Plan - whose plan, I have no idea. Sure I complain about some of it, but when it comes down to the reality I accept the bad because it has brought me so much good.
To change any of it, to 'redo' it in some other way may very well lead to less positives in my life.
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I for one would come back differently. Even at my age I have never come to terms which who I am and I would like to come back as a different person. I'm not saying that I would eliminate some of the bad things that have happened in my life although being abused by a Catholic priest at 8 years old might well be an exception. What I would like to avoid is the hurt I might have caused to people, especially one particular member of my family who is now dead and I am unable to apologise and make amends.
Would I come back gay? Probably not. Would I like to come back better looking, Probably yes.
I have my regrets that I would change if I had the opportunity, but it isn't likely, and it's over. No need to focus on the regret, or I'll miss the life I'm living.