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Who Thinks Parallel Universes Are Real ?
I dont know but i think lalo’s story was amazing, thanks for sharing. Dreams are funny things we don't nearly understand

When I moved "back" into my family home, in my early 20s, we had agreement that I'd do my own food shopping, and i had my own cupboards etc, well one night I had no food and the shops were closed, my mum had some frozen fish. I really wanted it (lol) but knew i shouldn't, anyway i was so split over whether to eat it, I think at one point I just stood there looking at it, I even got it out and put it in! Eventually I decided against, and filled up with toast, it was pretty ridiculous - fretting over a piece of fish, not something I usually do, anyway to get to the point - in the morning i went downstairs, and my mum and Nan were talking, my mother had had a vivid dream about me eating fish! Its not as profound as lalos story and its not about parrallel universes but its true

Tim18 Wrote:I'm in a random mood today ,and I'm just wondering who here thinks parallel universes are real?

I'm stuck in this one, can't be arsed to worry about any others.

Well I don't know. Isn't the theory (oversimplified of course) that the rapid inflation after big bang caused loads of different universes whereas ours is one of the few where forces of nature and other circumstances are just right and balanced for life to exist? This is not my area AT ALL but I think that's at least one of the theories. If it's true that would mean that this universe basically got lucky which would at least solve the "but the world is so complex and just right for life to exist INTELLIGENT DESIGN MUST BE RESPONSIBLE" problem.

SolemnBoy Wrote:Well I don't know. Isn't the theory (oversimplified of course) that the rapid inflation after big bang caused loads of different universes whereas ours is one of the few where forces of nature and other circumstances are just right and balanced for life to exist? This is not my area AT ALL but I think that's at least one of the theories. If it's true that would mean that this universe basically got lucky which would at least solve the "but the world is so complex and just right for life to exist INTELLIGENT DESIGN MUST BE RESPONSIBLE" problem.

So there could be over universes, but we would turn pink and our heads would explode instantly, maybe some highly inprobable life exists there, and if we looked at them, we implode because we couldnt comprehend what.we were seeing- christ im bored <<©

The idea is plausible. I'd love to see if we could ever find out for certain... It'd be cool if there was like 10 of me somewhere in different universes. XD

Sure why not?

Armandork Wrote:The idea is plausible. I'd love to see if we could ever find out for certain... It'd be cool if there was like 10 of me somewhere in different universes. XD

No ones plenty! Smile

Anyone remember CERN? Back in 2008 I posted this on a private board where I used to share Daria fanfics:

Things have been really weird lately, with like reality warping every single day, until finally it stabilized…for the moment. The connection with all the changes seem to be that experiments with the Hadron Collider had just taken place in the last week or so. I tried looking up more info on Encyclutopia but couldn’t even find it…well I finally did, but now it’s called Wikipedia. (Like wtf is a “wiki” anyway?) Probably some other deviation of this tangent I’ve found myself in. Unfortunately it didn’t have “double-slit experiments” like it used to as Encyclutopia. What I recall of that was something about experiments with particles that acted like waves as they traveled to a screen, but when they arrived, there was only one particle, which left the question of where the other particles had gone, and it was theorized by some that they’d gone to some other parallel world.

Anyway, unable to recall that in more detail or find the article, I tried finding an article about the CERN project I’d read that also went into that. It also failed to turn up. However, I DID find this:


Quote: According to critics of the CERN project, possible scenarios involving the impact of the Large Hadron Collider on the natural environment might be immensely catastrophic and extremely bizarre, and could potentially even alter the very fabric of our reality.

One of their concerns is that the mini-black holes generated by this machine could eventually coalesce into a larger black hole that would then begin absorbing matter. Another possibility is that new combinations of quarks could come into existence, creating a stable, negatively-charged strangelet which could turn everything it touches into strangelets as well – plunging us into a parallel universe of stable, negatively-charged strangelets

It explains so much, like why the people on dollar bills are all different now, why the US doesn’t use the metric system, China wasn’t the first to colonize the Americas, and why Oopa is now Coca Cola. But I think the weirdest changes are the issues.

What HAD been going on is that liberals were constantly for “game control,” citing all the lost productivity of watching sports, let alone playing it, not to mention all the bandwidth video games took up on the World Wide Grid (thus also hurting productivity of those who worked). Poker is a financial risk too big to countenance and leads to addiction even more than regular sports & games. And with conservatives, it’s “fiction control,” where they abhor the mental waste and corruption of intentionally made-up junk instead of educational material. A friend of mine is even on parole for telling jokes that I see brazenly told even on TV now!

The gang wars of underground “gamesters” and “fabricaters” keep The People entertained, but the GEA continue to use their jack boots to keep America game free. Imagine my surprise when I saw sports are popular (even Daria has jocks in it now—not to mention that the show was 5 seasons instead of 2 as it hadn’t been outlawed yet!), professional players make almost as much as the illegal gamesters of the previous reality did, and instead of a GEA and Fiction Police there’s a DEA and BATF&E (who even go after people playing with chemistry sets, which had been hailed as educational before), while massive bookstores are found legally selling fiction of all kinds! Like how does that even make sense?

Schools taught us that Prohibition failed, drugs and addiction become even more damaging without safe access to medical care & counseling, and people who are caught under the influence simply pay the price, just like with alcohol (granted, there are still areas where everything from alcohol to pot to opium to tobacco can get you fined, especially if you’re under the influence or caught selling it—but most communities see it as discouraging the engagement of outlawed entertainments, and even if it doesn’t it helps them to get caught at it easier). Oddly, building codes were tighter to deal with smokers while here smokers are under attack without the building codes while cars and smokestacks pour out tons of pollutants with only barely a whimper of protest! How does this make sense?

And don’t even get me started on the Christian Right! They not only support the above prohibitions (as sportsmanship isn’t Christ-like and fiction not only detracts from God’s Truth, but breaks His commandment against telling lies--plus, most porn counts as fiction), but are especially against music, save for a few liberal sects that still have hymns (though states are amending their constitution to stop that debauchery). They say it’s corrupting and leads to dancing which leads to sex which of course makes it very popular and EVERYONE is doing it. I was busted myself for whistling and had to pay a $100 plus court costs. But now they don’t care much about music anymore and instead are passing amendments against gays. Like wtf, EVERYONE listens to music, but only a very small minority are interested in gay sex at all, let alone marriage. Heck, the Bible also condemns shrimp and there are far more people into that than being gay. So what’s up with the Christian Right since reality warped? It doesn’t make sense why anyone would even care. But since the experiments, they have, while forgetting to care about the much bigger stuff.

Anyway, back on the REAL world there’s this scifi created by Roddenberry called Star Pricks: The Next Generation before Congress passed the DOTA (Defense Of Truth Act) that finished off fiction shows (they’re called Star Pricks because they preach a “prime directive” and yet violate it at every given opportunity just as righteously, so they give the viewers someone to hate, thus helping society to function despite all its self-righteous hypocrites that we might otherwise murder in our rage—or so said the Propertarian Party, at least before they became known as the Libertarian Party in this timeline) that here seems to be called Star Trek: The Next Generation, but otherwise seems mostly identical. They had a sitch like this in an episode called Parallels where Mr. Yorf (I think Mr. Worf here) kept switching to parallel worlds every time there was a burst of something. Maybe all those colliders working on neighboring parallels are jumbling everything up the same way. And as Dr. Custer (Crusher in this world?) said in another ep, “If there’s nothing wrong with me, maybe there’s something wrong with the universe.” I’m glad to see that my risking prison to get the underground tapes of these eps paid off as they help me mentally deal with this sitch now.

I defy the changes of the timeline. As said on Star Pricks when the Cybers invaded, “I will NOT be assimilated!” For the rest of you, be warned, and try to hold on to what you know was real before it was warped…or maybe it’s just better to forget and let yourself be rewritten with the rest of reality.

How many still remember what was before these experiments took place? And will I still remember after the NEXT experiment? Whether I do or not, will you become lucid the next time reality shifts?

Anyway, before REAL reality resumes, I think I’ll go enjoy the fanfics before I find they’re illegal again.

“Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.”-- Sir Arthur Eddington (formerly Albert Einstein…at least he still exists in this reality tangent)

stranger221 Wrote:It's a comforting thought that somewhere along the parallel universe, I'm some sort of millionaire playboy or some sort of super hero. LOL

Yeah those are comforting thoughts and really if you think about it if parallel worlds are real you kind of take yourself less seriously because their are verisons of yourself that have failed were you have succeeded ,and failed were you succeeded ,and that right there is my philosophical thought for the day.

Lalo Wrote:Long Story- Back in the early 90's, I was visited in my dreams by my ex-lover, the "love of my life", Patrick. For about 5 days straight, every night, I would dream of him standing in front of me smiling. That was it. I would wake up out of these dreams startled almost. On the last day, he spoke to me, without his lips moving, but I could "hear" him nonetheless. He took me/showed me a "God" vision and explained that he was showing me in images that I could understand. He showed me a tree, made up of billions of "cells" and each cell represented a soul.

The goal was to move up the tree from the root to try to reach the uppermost branches...enlightenment if you will. To that end, the collective consciousness of souls- the tree- had created millions of "worlds" which were actually not just alternate universes, but complete alternate realities. Souls would enter those realities to play and learn and grow. But the trick was, once you entered the reality, all knowledge of "the tree" was gone. You would forget that the world you were in was simply a construct of collective imagination. But the choices you made in that reality, did affect your "soul" growth once you came back to the tree. The whole atmosphere of the tree and these realities was one of absolute joy and "play".

There were all sorts of realities, some with very different laws of physics. Some which were very similar to our own with only slight variations. But all of these realities served the purpose of play, soul-bonding with others, and learning- growth.

At the end of this dream, Patrick faded out but kept repeating "It will all be okay. It will all be okay." When he was gone, I awoke with a start and sat straight up in bed. The dream had seemed more real to me than reality. It seemed completely revelatory and powerful. I actually gasped when I awoke and was crying, but with joy (The only time I have done that by the way).

The next day, I called my sister who lived in the same town as Patrick. I asked about him and she told me that he had died the previous week from AIDS. He had contracted HIV after we had broken up and unbeknownst to me, had been sick off and on for the prior year.

I know that some people will scoff. But after that dream, I developed a renewed faith in God and in "alternate realities". To me they are all tied into the same story, just as we all are. That is my belief.

FYI- I realize that to some people all of this might sound ridiculous. But please be civil if you have any responses to this story. You may think that I am nuts, but this is my belief system, and even if you don't believe it, I ask that you please remain polite. Thanks.

That was a interesting story thanks for sharing it with us.

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