I personally believe, exaggerative "powers" are most likely fake, however I am open minded, and also I believe that many individuals are just more sensitive than others in regards to many different facets.
I may be Empathic, but I am by no means a super hero or whatever, and am certainly not like Jasper...It's just a higher sensitivity to emotions and feelings.
Most people who do not see,hear,feel,smell or even taste the same things, tend to believe they are not real or just don't exist. But as we all know, every person is different.
Mediums maybe just have a higher sensitivity to mental stimuli, or maybe they're just more in tune with their environment. But the ones who can make things float and all that stuff are probably utilizing too much Mary J and I don't mean Blige!
And most real "sensitive people(Empaths,Mediums,Pre-Cogs)" don't go running around on TV with it, because, for 1 it cheapens them and what they can do and exaggerates it as well for more ratings. Plus, it's very stressful. Mentally and Emotionally.
I just believe some people are more aware or Sensitive to external stimuli than others, not really "superpowered" or whatever.
But believe what you must