I'm not certain what political correctness is. I am very certain about how I see it used hereabouts.
It is used as a way of avoiding having to raise an argument, find some evidence or cogently express a point. If I can dismiss your views as being PC it saves me the trouble of making the effort to establish my own, or even to make it clear what my views are. You may think my arguments are PC but that doesn't absolve you of the responsibility of addressing them if you want yours to prevail.
As to the issue of not being bothered about offending, that's fine, off you go. Consider, though, that this is a small backwater of a big internet with perhaps a couple of dozen regular participants. If it were a place that influences policymakers or helped change behaviour among the many, then giving offence would be acceptable.
Among a small group of friends it isn't, or at least shouldn't be. To boast about it is really only to set yourself up; I'm going to find it hard to think of you as other than the man who likes to offend people. I promise I'll do my best not to let that colour the seriousness with which I consider your views but it'll be hard work. Can you offer me a reason why I should make the effort?
There are people on here with whom I will never see eye to eye, we've had goes at one another and it's been intellectually stimulating. Practically none of those posters has deliberately said anything to offend. They've had a go at my arguments and I've had a go at theirs. I'm hoping that like me they believe that the very last people you want to offend are strangers; it's going to be the only thing they remember you for.
People will argue that one shouldn't have to walk on eggshells and that there is a thin line between giving offence and robust argument. No, it's a fairly broad and well signposted line. If there's any ambiguity people will err on the generous side and think "well' perhaps (s)he didn't really mean that". They won't be doing that if you announce in advance that you don't care about what people feel. If you'd said nothing, you'd always have the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
This is the internet, it doesn't give prizes for winning arguments. Strongly held views don't attract more points than tedious, well expressed minor ones. The reward is in the engagement. I get my biggest kick out of the knowledge that someone has taken the trouble to read my stuff. The kindness of strangers never ceases to astonish.
I am a sensitive soul, so perhaps you can offer me a reason why I shouldn't put you on ignore?
Having said all that if any of you bastards disagree with me I'm going to swear a lot and leave, that'll hit you where it really hurts.
