04-05-2008, 12:34 PM
I met this guy, it's probably been about four years now, on an X-Men fan site {I was in to that stuff back then} and I originally met him in the forum:
"Who's Weirder: Kaje or Psi Lord"
I was Kaje and he was Psi Lord. I went into it laughing, I was agreeing with them, I was the weirdest {And damn straight, I was too! lol} but he got all sad and was like "I'm not weird!" That made me laugh even more, cuz he kinda was. Well, at about the same time, we both joined an RP, and it soon went under, but we added each other on Messenger to keep track, and we eventually ended up opening our own site, and we were the only ones who ever joined.
It was fun, but you can only due so much with a dead site. So we both moved again, keeping in touch through Messenger, until we were just talking one day {keep in mind that he originally told me that he was a die-hard Christian} and he told me something I really wasn't prepared for. He pretty much told me he loved me. I mean how do I react to that?! I told him very gently that I didn't like men in that way and he understood perfectly, and we remained friends and such. A while back though, we lost touch, probably late last year sometime, and I started to miss talkin' to him. So I just sent him an E-Mail saying that I missed him and such, and I'm hoping all will go well.
Let's hope, cuz he was a really good friend.
"Who's Weirder: Kaje or Psi Lord"
I was Kaje and he was Psi Lord. I went into it laughing, I was agreeing with them, I was the weirdest {And damn straight, I was too! lol} but he got all sad and was like "I'm not weird!" That made me laugh even more, cuz he kinda was. Well, at about the same time, we both joined an RP, and it soon went under, but we added each other on Messenger to keep track, and we eventually ended up opening our own site, and we were the only ones who ever joined.

Let's hope, cuz he was a really good friend.