Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:^^^ Hmmm.
Well I don't like doctors either, so now that I am armed with this bit of information I now have something to throw at you the next time you get on my case for not going to a doctor or getting the health care I need.
So there. :tongue:
oh, boy... Uh, I haven't thought about it that way :eek: :redface:
now what?
Dont think about it as going to the Dr. or a nutritionist....think about it as just getting advice from someone who's dealt with this before. Which is in fact, you wouldnt be lying to yourself at all.
Make a set date to go see a Dr. and have the Dr. refer you to a nutritionist. Before both of your visits, write down on paper, ALL of the questions and concerns you have. ALL of them!!! Give one to the Dr. when you go, and give the other to the nutritionist. This way, you can get ALL the information you need from both professionals in one visit.
There are many ways to deal with this. But the main thing you have to realize, is that this is something that will not change overnight, there is no miracle cure, and YOU will have to be the one to work on this. And even do it when its hard, when you're depressed, and when you just dont "feel" like it....force yourself to keep to your program.
Ok, you dont like salty. Thats fine. There are snack products that do not contain salt. You may have to go to a natural foods store to find them, but they are produced.
I would also like you to do something just for me. I would like you to go to a natural foods store and ask them if they have an all natural carob bar, made with cane sugar or honey. If they do, I would like you to try that. Carob is a chocolate equivalent that tastes almost like chocolate. The thing about carob is, it doesnt take as much sweetener to get it sweet as chocolate does. If you can find some, I would like you to try it to see if you like it. I would rather you have a carob bar than chocolate.
You might also look into all natural granola. Not that sugar crap they sell on tv as all natural....its just as bad for you as a Snickers bar...but the real stuff. Again, you might sample this at a natural foods store.
If you keep nuts and seeds in airtight containers, you can pretty much keep them forever, or until they turn "old" tasting...which could take months. A handful of nuts a few times a day will definately help you out.
Your dizzy spells and feeling weak and faint is not only lack of food, it is lack of protein. When you eat a lot of sugar, you get some sugar "rushes" and you might feel good for a bit, but then you come right back down. Eating food that is high in protein will help keep you going all day. And if you eat high protein foods during the day, every day, it will help even out how you feel and make you feel a little better.
Do you like eggs? Eggs are wonderful. Once in a while I will get in the mood for eggs and boil a dozen of them and then keep them in the fridge. When I want something to eat, but not a lot, I will peel an egg, salt it up and eat it. Of course if you dont like salt, you can put pepper on it, or garlic powder, or any other kind of spice.
Other things that are good for you that are also great snacks:
Pickled beets
or any kind of pickled vegetable.
Just open the jar or can and there they are!!! Yum.
As far as becoming a vegetarian, thats a question you can definately ask the nutritionist.
If you go to a all natural store or health food store, they can probably give you some suggestions on how to eat high protein foods as a vegetarian.
There is TONS of information out just have to find it.
Good luck.
Nick9 Wrote:oh, boy... Uh, I haven't thought about it that way :eek: :redface:
now what? 
Yeah and I have bookmarked this thread too Mister Man... Next time you even remotely suggest I see a doctor - BAM I'm linking you here :eek: :biggrin:
You are making a big mistake. You are setting yourself up for an outburst of violence. Your body needs nutrition and if you deny yourself food, your reptilian brain at the base of your skull is getting very pissed at you. When you get angry enough you will explode and others will pay for your stupidity.
Give others the consideration they deserve. A healthy YOU is easy for others to deal with. I found your thread difficult to read. It reminded me of my childhood. I survived starvation and a serious suicide attempt. I am sure glad I did. I had an outrageously funny gay lifestyle after a bad beginning.
Hang in there. Try eating some lettuce. Pretend you are a cute gay bunny and someone wants to have sex with you. Try getting a pet. A pet will force you to remember how important food is.
Good Luck!!!!
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Yeah and I have bookmarked this thread too Mister Man... Next time you even remotely suggest I see a doctor - BAM I'm linking you here :eek: :biggrin:
not fair! I am stupid, you are not!
At least what I do is stupid  Can I have an addiction to feeling hungry?
I understand that all people who are trying to lose weight want to bash me on the head right now, but seriously, this is as hard as what you are trying to do... You can't stop, I can't start... :frown:
I will try to have some healthy snack in my pockets, nuts sound fine.
Granola and... how was it? carob... OK, I will buy it and try  mile:
gilhooly Wrote:.
Try eating some lettuce. Pretend you are a cute gay bunny and someone wants to have sex with you.
Well, gilhooly, you really got me with this one...
But thanks. I will take the others into consideration  :biggrin:
Krupt Wrote:Nick,
I don't think a doctor or counselor/therapist is what you need, you need something specific...someone that deals with eating disorders (alright, someone like a doctor or therapist).
They maybe able to identify the problem and arm you with the tools you need to help yourself.

He's got to find out what the level of damage is, so its a medical Dr. first.
Then he has to see what he can do about it...nutritionist next.
Then he can find a specialist. If he goes to a specialist first, they are just going to tell him to go see a medical Dr. and a nutritionist before they can set up a program for him.
He SHOULD go see all the Dr.s he can...who knows....they may be cute, single, and gay!!!
Nick9 Wrote:not fair! I am stupid, you are not!
At least what I do is stupid Can I have an addiction to feeling hungry?
I understand that all people who are trying to lose weight want to bash me on the head right now, but seriously, this is as hard as what you are trying to do... You can't stop, I can't start... :frown:
I will try to have some healthy snack in my pockets, nuts sound fine.
Granola and... how was it? carob... OK, I will buy it and try mile:
Hmm well you have that other health issue to take into consideration... There in lies a problem.
You eat like crap, I just didn't know you were eating worse than me.
Stop competing with me on this diet thing - I win - you go fix yourself a sammich and eat. Sheesh.:tongue:
Tell you what. I will see a doctor for my 'little health issue' that you know about and have been 'worried' about if you see a doctor for this not eating/dizzy thing.
Shh don't tell everyone that I have been under the weather, I have an image to uphold of strength, health and happiness even if I'm weak as a kitteh, unwell and crying all the time.
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Tell you what. I will see a doctor for my 'little health issue' that you know about and have been 'worried' about if you see a doctor for this not eating/dizzy thing.
A support group?
There is just one thing that could make me to go, and the man finds it. Sheesh.
OK, I'll go to fix my breakfast now and do my best to avoid the cocoa powder :frown:
What a waste of cocoa powder