08-08-2013, 10:19 PM
I was just wondering if anyone here has ever had any bad episodes with drink and drugs?
When in Amsterdam back in December 2010 I took 'space cake'. This was the winter where Europe literally froze. I mean its one of the most vicious winters I could remember anyway and was extreme by west European standards.
I was out with some friends of mine and we were near the red light district in a place called Damrak i think (one of the main squares in Amsterdam) when we had an argument. One of my friends brought his sister over and she was a real tramp for want of a better word. Me and her did not see eye to eye. He was a bit of a prick as well and we argued a lot. I tried to make peace with them but they were so unreasonable I gave up.
So she stormed off and we split into two groups. My other friend went with the girl to take her back to our hostel and I went with my friend (Thom) to a 'coffee shop'. He pressured me into trying some space cake and I felt like experimenting so said 'yes'. I must've eaten it too quickly. I thought it tasted disgusting and it didn't seem to have any effect on me.
I was a bit disappointed but I shrugged it off. However, two hours later we were at the bar at the hostel getting ready to go out. I was drinking when all of a sudden the bottles behind the bar started to levitate in the air. I thought 'hang on, something is wrong here' which was the last rational thought I had that night. Suddenly things started to get black and very blurry and very, very confusing.
I became extremely paranoid and my heart rate practically tripled. I thought everyone in the room was starring at me and maybe they were because I was freaking out. Some girl was trying to talk to me and my mates and it was scary because I had no self-control and kept blacking out. I did not know what I was saying or doing. It was like I was possessed and indeed I was starting to hallucinate that demonic creatures were attacking me.
So despite me freaking out my 'mates' thought they'd drag me out on the streets anyway in the freezing cold. I complained I was too cold and Thom put a hand to my forehead and said 'but Ian you're boiling up'. I then blacked out and kept waking up in different streets with no idea how I got there, a bit like Ethan Mars in Heavy Rain. I wasn't aware of time passing and was so disoriented.
I somehow made it without being beaten up, mugged, or getting lost or losing anything. I don't know how I survived that night though, it was one of the most horrific experiences ever. Experimenting with that stuff was a stupid mistake and I paid dearly. My advice is, when in Amsterdam, do not take the space cake as it is pretty nasty!
As for drink related episodes, nothing springs to mind apart from a nasty hangover lasting till 3pm the next day which stopped me from drinking or eating.
I would like to add that since Amsterdam I have never taken drugs and never will do again and I rarely drink these days, this was when I was a student. However, I like the odd sprit mixed with fruit juice, plum wine, saké, and cider! But I just have those in moderation.
So has anyone else had any drink or drug related mishaps?
When in Amsterdam back in December 2010 I took 'space cake'. This was the winter where Europe literally froze. I mean its one of the most vicious winters I could remember anyway and was extreme by west European standards.
I was out with some friends of mine and we were near the red light district in a place called Damrak i think (one of the main squares in Amsterdam) when we had an argument. One of my friends brought his sister over and she was a real tramp for want of a better word. Me and her did not see eye to eye. He was a bit of a prick as well and we argued a lot. I tried to make peace with them but they were so unreasonable I gave up.
So she stormed off and we split into two groups. My other friend went with the girl to take her back to our hostel and I went with my friend (Thom) to a 'coffee shop'. He pressured me into trying some space cake and I felt like experimenting so said 'yes'. I must've eaten it too quickly. I thought it tasted disgusting and it didn't seem to have any effect on me.
I was a bit disappointed but I shrugged it off. However, two hours later we were at the bar at the hostel getting ready to go out. I was drinking when all of a sudden the bottles behind the bar started to levitate in the air. I thought 'hang on, something is wrong here' which was the last rational thought I had that night. Suddenly things started to get black and very blurry and very, very confusing.
I became extremely paranoid and my heart rate practically tripled. I thought everyone in the room was starring at me and maybe they were because I was freaking out. Some girl was trying to talk to me and my mates and it was scary because I had no self-control and kept blacking out. I did not know what I was saying or doing. It was like I was possessed and indeed I was starting to hallucinate that demonic creatures were attacking me.
So despite me freaking out my 'mates' thought they'd drag me out on the streets anyway in the freezing cold. I complained I was too cold and Thom put a hand to my forehead and said 'but Ian you're boiling up'. I then blacked out and kept waking up in different streets with no idea how I got there, a bit like Ethan Mars in Heavy Rain. I wasn't aware of time passing and was so disoriented.
I somehow made it without being beaten up, mugged, or getting lost or losing anything. I don't know how I survived that night though, it was one of the most horrific experiences ever. Experimenting with that stuff was a stupid mistake and I paid dearly. My advice is, when in Amsterdam, do not take the space cake as it is pretty nasty!
As for drink related episodes, nothing springs to mind apart from a nasty hangover lasting till 3pm the next day which stopped me from drinking or eating.
I would like to add that since Amsterdam I have never taken drugs and never will do again and I rarely drink these days, this was when I was a student. However, I like the odd sprit mixed with fruit juice, plum wine, saké, and cider! But I just have those in moderation.
So has anyone else had any drink or drug related mishaps?