08-24-2013, 05:04 PM

So the past few weeks up to now has been spent in introspection. I
hate getting into my own head, but I can't help it, and the issue of
friends has come up.
My friends circle has gotten small over the years mainly because I've
slowed down in the partying department. And I feel like the ones that
stuck around are the keepers, but the only problem is that most live far or have
already moved away across country.
I used to be able to drive to the ones that lived around New England, but
that's when I had a job and had a steady income. We keep in contact on
Facebook and through texting, which is fine, but when you see other people
and how they actually have their friends there with them, it kind of sucks.
I don't know, I think I'm just venting. I've just been stuck in this feeling for
a few weeks now. It just sucks to realize that when you think about it, you
don't really have friends to call on when your in some sort of problem, you
don't really have anyone to talk to even though your phone is filled with
all these numbers, and you get that sinking feeling that in the end it's just
I have classes to focus on in a few days, maybe that'll keep my head
occupied for awhile. Maybe I'll make some acquaintances at school..