06-05-2008, 08:44 PM
Shadow Wrote:...
Y'know that could be the start of a fantastic quote - something like ...
"Love is like a fine fine - it can be appreciated in varying quantities, but too much can intoxicate you" or something like that :biggrin:.
Obviously it would need a little refining as a quote, but I think it's a really powerful comparison !! :biggrin:.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Talk about refining, Shadz, and of typos, lol... well it looks like we've got a nice one here!
Love is like a FINE FINE.... How expensive ought it to be, Shadz, dear???
I don't know of any FINE that is ever appreciated in varying quantities... and they (fines) DEFINITELY CAN intoxicate you. hahaha. As for fine WINE.... well, we know a thing or two about that in this country. hahaha.

All the best, Shadz,