10-04-2013, 09:40 PM
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:With half of the world's population unfortunately born without one... be happy you got one....
(Yes my love above me, that was a tuna-fish joke)
Honestly, few guys are really size queens (into large endowments). While the idea of it in erotica is pretty hot, the reality is that few people are able to accept such a generous endowment. Thus much of it is wasted in bed.
Porn skews reality, most of the guys picked to be 'actors' (and I use that word very loosely) are picked because of their extraordinarily sized member. Porn 'writers' (seriously there are people who write the 'scripts') focus on impossible situations wherever possible - this is why condoms magically appear and no porn star has to take a break and do the tedious task of putting on the condom.
Assuming you are in a relationship the sex is going to be good to great regardless of the size of the endowments because in a relationship there is commitment, love and lots of other things that make sex special.
Hmm.. I see

Yeah, who wants a guy who can swab their ears from their anal tract?
Not me, that's for absolute sure! It's why we have cotton swabs! Ain't got time for penis's come jutting from out my ear canal!
All the super gay Bottom Aficionados, say "omg give me that giant cock", mean while their internal organs are begging for a fucking transplant!
No body enjoys having their stomach pushed up above their lungs...
I don't get why so many people want a Elephant dick up their ass, knowing full well that shit will Destroy and utterly Annihilate all of your anal walls...
Not to mention, a good 75% of those people who bottom for these Epically sized Phalluses almost never get hard and are always like in pain saying "mmmm...f-f-fuck me h-harder-- OW!!! Th-that feels so good Daddy, don't Stop!!!" meanwhile, his hand is on the other guy's pelvic/stomach area to try and lessen the anally lethal blows!
I'm like ... okay what the fuck's this bullshit?
It's setting a bad example first of all to young gay guys and those in particular who want to bottom, that you;
1) need to be able to accept a Car up your Ass, passengers and all,
2)Must submit if the other guy's Dick is bigger, which is where I think this question arose from and is very primitive if you ask me.
and 3) That you have to please the Top all the time and all you get is a guy going dick happy on your Ass and pretty much nothing else.
All just to enjoy sex and bottoming...
I realized I broke off the main topic, but I just wanted to bring that whole Size debate into this Arena as well.
Dicks are Dicks, fuck with'em, sit on'em, suck'em, do what you need to, to get your life, but let's try to make sure everybody involved in the event, can also get their lives as well...