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Death and all his Friends
So Death.

A topic many are uncomfortable with a with good reason it seems.

However, I want to talk about it... it's very interesting.

Now this morning, I woke up thinking about it, which isn't all that uncommon, especially if my feet are cold when I go to sleep I've noticed... And I've been thinking about it since about Ten years old, you know like any other kid, ever since I saw the dead face of a family member I've never met...

I often wonder, when I die, what will become of the space I occupied? Will the people after me be happier, sadder? Will the world continue to spin?

Just those types of questions, as I think I'm more concerned as to what will happen once I'm gone. Not that I'm particularly special in the grand scheme of things, but as a person who likes to read....and read...and read and learn and know and understand things, this topic among many is one I can never quite understand...

To me, we all came from nature, our spiritual essence is more or less imbued with the planet and it's energy and that we came forth with the other inhabitants of this planet from that energy or even from one who knew how to harness the energy, I don't accurately know obviously, but it's what I believe.

So that when we die, I feel as if though it's only correct we go back into the planet or lend over our spiritual energy to safeguard it for future generations of people and animals, however this is just my belief and I'm not sure if this is what actually happens and will happen.

Which is why I often think about it, because I'm not sure. I will admit if scares me not to know or be aware of something, especially something such as this, but I feel like it's supposed to happen at some point.

People here may remember, and perhaps not believe however, My family has a long running experience with the paranormal, mostly just spirits/ghosts, however, as far as I can tell, none were malevolent. They lead me to further wonder what happens after Death.

My Grandmother and all her Sisters, including her Twin has shared a dream at one point, they all recall it the same way and she has had numerous other experiences, most of which she thinks is her father, her Father himself had experiences, possibly because he worked as a nurse/orderly in a mental institution...

My Mother is very sensitive emotionally, probably where I get it from, and is easily influenced by things in a room and when she was 14 and pregnant with me, a ball of light, which my family believes to be my Nana's father who had died hours earlier, flew around her belly twice and flew into it and a few days later, my mother discovered she was pregnant with me.

My Mother said when I was young, I would run around and chase someone who was never there and that my first word was Light, pointing up at the ceiling and all throughout my years have claimed to see people and black dots on the walls, which I actually do remember and still sometimes see and even remember once a Man was watching us from our Kitchen when we would watch TV together in the living room.

I would lay down in bed for school and after my mother would tuck me in, I would see a Man's reflection in my Bedroom TV and would look back at the Bathroom where he would always be standing and no one would be there. Needless to say I suffered long sleepless nights for a really long time. Even now, I have my odd dreams and feel a presence whenever I look at the Tree across the street from my house near the Primary school there and it makes me kinda unnerved.

I am aware how crazy this type of stuff sounds to people, but sometimes you have to see to believe...

This is why I'm so curious as to what Death is all about...

In some dreams, usually if I sleep without socks and it's particularly cold, I dream about a void and then I see something just out of view and then I wake up very sad and scared usually, and my body would be shivering, despite my blankets and Island's natural warm nights.

I'm sure there would be logical explanations for these things, but I really don't feel as if they all can be...

So I am curious as to what you guy's think about Death.

Sorry if I drudge up any fears anyone has, I really am curious though. It's not a topic talked about often :crying-and-sorry-li

Plus we could use a Break from Penises, Vaginas and Sexuality Chicken

Sylph Wrote:So Death.

Plus we could use a Break from Penises, Vaginas and Sexuality

Hallepenia to THAT sis!!!!

I too, have had my inquest phase on death. Listening to the "experts", listening to people who have "come back from death", religious aspects, non religious aspects, etc.....

I find absolutely no evidence of any kind of "life after death". These are purely fantasy ideals set in motion by people who cant take what reality is shoving in their faces. Religious sects used this as a "tool", when religions came into power, to either help scare people into submission, or to sway them to their way of thinking.

Medically speaking, you can go into a coma (there are thousands of types of comas) or a trance of some sort, which mimics death. Your heart can beat as little as 4 or 5 times a minute while you are unconscious, and its enough to keep you alive....but still faking death. Science does not know how the brain works, neither do they know how certain peoples bodies react to certain outside stimuli when bombarded by a force of some kind. They do not know how the chemical reactions react with your body at that time period.

What about the "white light"? Just a chemical reaction in your brain, when it knows its shutting down.
Its like when you close your eyes real tight and see all those sparkly "lights", or you see sun spots or "stars" when you get hit in the head. Same thing, different stimuli causing it to happen.

Some people see their dead loved ones in that "white light". Again, nobody knows how the brain works, especially when its shutting down or dying. Theory is, the person you want to see the most is the person your brain will show you in that light.

There is more proof that nothing happens to you when you die, except death and decaying, than there is of any other "side".

The "soul", your emotions, your feelings are nothing more than chemical reactions going on in your body. When they stop, you are dead. Everything else is nothing more than fantasies, fables, and fallacies created by mankind, for mankind, to try and explain life in this universe to mankind.

MisterTinkles Wrote:I too, have had my inquest phase on death. Listening to the "experts", listening to people who have "come back from death", religious aspects, non religious aspects, etc.....

I find absolutely no evidence of any kind of "life after death". These are purely fantasy ideals set in motion by people who cant take what reality is shoving in their faces. Religious sects used this as a "tool", when religions came into power, to either help scare people into submission, or to sway them to their way of thinking.

Medically speaking, you can go into a coma (there are thousands of types of comas) or a trance of some sort, which mimics death. Your heart can beat as little as 4 or 5 times a minute while you are unconscious, and its enough to keep you alive....but still faking death. Science does not know how the brain works, neither do they know how certain peoples bodies react to certain outside stimuli when bombarded by a force of some kind. They do not know how the chemical reactions react with your body at that time period.

What about the "white light"? Just a chemical reaction in your brain, when it knows its shutting down.
Its like when you close your eyes real tight and see all those sparkly "lights", or you see sun spots or "stars" when you get hit in the head. Same thing, different stimuli causing it to happen.

Some people see their dead loved ones in that "white light". Again, nobody knows how the brain works, especially when its shutting down or dying. Theory is, the person you want to see the most is the person your brain will show you in that light.

There is more proof that nothing happens to you when you die, except death and decaying, than there is of any other "side".

The "soul", your emotions, your feelings are nothing more than chemical reactions going on in your body. When they stop, you are dead. Everything else is nothing more than fantasies, fables, and fallacies created by mankind, for mankind, to try and explain life in this universe to mankind.

How very insightful Tinks and actually quite realistic, however I must say;

Chemical reactions in the brain does not explain why the cup in the cabinet, that is level and all other rational things one may think of, flies out of said cabinet?

My Grandmother owned a Store, and for days, a particular item would be found on the floor every morning, even though this item was hanging up on a very secure hook and no one would be there to fling it off. She one day decided to watch the recordings from the camera and saw that almost every night at 11pm I think it was, this same item would just catapult off the hook and land on the floor and that be it.

Surely all of our Chemical Reactions did not produce this event?

I mean, sure we could've had multiple earthquakes and that one particular object would fly off, at nearly the same time every night, but the odds would be astronomically high!

Perhaps a lot of things can be the Brain giving us info we want or feel as though we should want, but many things just cannot be given an explanation.

And I personally was not raised on any Religion, so I had no preachers to tell me of this stuff. I based my "religion" based on my experiences in life and my feelings, whether they be chemical or not, which lead me to Spiritual Agnosticism and Animism.

I agree many things have plausible, realistic explanations and not every single shadow or bump is something paranormal, heck we'd all be insane if that were the case, but I just don't think everything is a Chemical reaction.

But Tinkles, Do you feel afraid to know that once you die, you'll just simply vanish?
It's up to you if that is how you feel, but to me and not out of the actual fear of death itself, but my emotional and spiritual feelings, feel as if though this is not the case.

However I can see several points in your thoughts.

I think our friend Will summed it up nicely,

The undiscovered country from whose bourn. No traveler returns, puzzles the will. And makes us rather bear those ills we have. Than fly to others that we know ...

I for one see spirit entities - so I believe you. Granted I can explain my 'ability' away with the fact I have a seizure condition - plenty of neurologists would agree with that.

Assuming for a moment that is it not some brain fart, or wiring issue - then what are we seeing?

There are many, many theories on the matter. from the traditional beliefs of soul to the science of physics that tells us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

I think the subject remains a secret, and remains to puzzle humanity as unanswerable because the answer - be it a dark truth that there is nothing, or be it a bright truth of something more - once proved will have undeniable consequences for how humans live their lives.

I also think that Will was right when he said:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...

I think that spirits, death and all of this thing falls in that category of more things in heaven and earth than humans can dream of in their philosophies or sciences.

Yes Sylph, I did not answer your underlying question, and I leave you with as much doubt as we started.

I have my unique stance on death, spirits - all of these other phenomena. I reached my conclusions based on my experiences in life. Granted, many of my experiences were not pretty ones, thus my take on Death, and the hereafter may be tainted.

We each have our questions about these subjects and I firmly believe that it is up to each and everyone to come up with our own answers until we have shuffled off this mortal coil to learn the truth.

Sylph Wrote:How very insightful Tinks and actually quite realistic, however I must say;

Chemical reactions in the brain does not explain why the cup in the cabinet, that is level and all other rational things one may think of, flies out of said cabinet?

My Grandmother owned a Store, and for days, a particular item would be found on the floor every morning, even though this item was hanging up on a very secure hook and no one would be there to fling it off. She one day decided to watch the recordings from the camera and saw that almost every night at 11pm I think it was, this same item would just catapult off the hook and land on the floor and that be it.

Surely all of our Chemical Reactions did not produce this event?

I mean, sure we could've had multiple earthquakes and that one particular object would fly off, at nearly the same time every night, but the odds would be astronomically high!

Perhaps a lot of things can be the Brain giving us info we want or feel as though we should want, but many things just cannot be given an explanation.

And I personally was not raised on any Religion, so I had no preachers to tell me of this stuff. I based my "religion" based on my experiences in life and my feelings, whether they be chemical or not, which lead me to Spiritual Agnosticism and Animism.

I agree many things have plausible, realistic explanations and not every single shadow or bump is something paranormal, heck we'd all be insane if that were the case, but I just don't think everything is a Chemical reaction.

But Tinkles, Do you feel afraid to know that once you die, you'll just simply vanish?
It's up to you if that is how you feel, but to me and not out of the actual fear of death itself, but my emotional and spiritual feelings, feel as if though this is not the case.

However I can see several points in your thoughts.

Flying cups and other items have nothing to do with death.
Unless they sever your artery or your head, or shoot into your heart muscle.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I think our friend Will summed it up nicely,

The undiscovered country from whose bourn. No traveler returns, puzzles the will. And makes us rather bear those ills we have. Than fly to others that we know ...

I for one see spirit entities - so I believe you. Granted I can explain my 'ability' away with the fact I have a seizure condition - plenty of neurologists would agree with that.

Assuming for a moment that is it not some brain fart, or wiring issue - then what are we seeing?

There are many, many theories on the matter. from the traditional beliefs of soul to the science of physics that tells us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

I think the subject remains a secret, and remains to puzzle humanity as unanswerable because the answer - be it a dark truth that there is nothing, or be it a bright truth of something more - once proved will have undeniable consequences for how humans live their lives.

I also think that Will was right when he said:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...

I think that spirits, death and all of this thing falls in that category of more things in heaven and earth than humans can dream of in their philosophies or sciences.

Yes Sylph, I did not answer your underlying question, and I leave you with as much doubt as we started.

I have my unique stance on death, spirits - all of these other phenomena. I reached my conclusions based on my experiences in life. Granted, many of my experiences were not pretty ones, thus my take on Death, and the hereafter may be tainted.

We each have our questions about these subjects and I firmly believe that it is up to each and everyone to come up with our own answers until we have shuffled off this mortal coil to learn the truth.

I dont have any friends named Will.

William Shakespeare dear heart... Yes yes I know, you are not artsy fartsy and into old poetry.....

I have been ruminating about death lately. Of loved-ones, friends, others. My own death, some day.

I'm not sure what to think or believe right now about it. These thoughts make me sad, confused and a bit paranoid.

Death: The great unknown.

But poets do seem to handle it best.



All I know is, the closest we come to dying without actually dying is every night when we sleep. Apparently that's when our heart rate and respiration hit their lows. So, you know, the point is, it's actually closer than we think about...

That's about all I have to say on the subject, having felt like I cheated death on a few occasions. Just be ready. Hard for the young to imagine, but it's an easier concept to grasp when you've finally made your preparations and are at peace in the world.

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