VileKyle Wrote:No duh I have boobs. And they are very marvelous boobs. Sylph might show me up though. That bitch always tends to outshine me.
Damn right Bitch!
Gurl ,these Titties make pornstars cry with admiration, shoot, Sophia Vergara was just asking me the other day what kind of moisturizer/lotion I use on these puppies and I was like...
Duh gurl, Johnson Johnson all day hunni and maybe some Baby Wipes when they start to feel alittle clammy T^T .
I hate when they touch though :crying-and-sorry-li
Although, I don't like when Man Boobz got hairs on them, cause that's just gross.
And one guy's man tit nearly poked my flappin eye out!! His friggin erect ass nipples trying to lobotomize me!!
I was like tuck them nipples back bitch!
And one guy had Titties on his back and I was like;
"Titties on yo back bitch, Titties on yo back!"
Gosh I've seen so many variety of Tits... It's a wonder I'm even gay... oh I'm sorry, I mean
no wonder I'm gay.