12-31-2013, 08:46 AM
When my close friend and I always have a heart to heart this
question/topic always get brought up.
"Wouldn't it be easier if we were just straight?"
I'm sure being straight has it's shares of problems, it probably might even
be similar to being gay or other orientation, but sometimes I just can't
help but think of how my life would be a little less difficult if I were just straight.
I really hate it when some straight people say being gay [lgbt] is a choice,
cause if I had to choose, and it's really sad and I hate myself for saying this, but
I really wouldn't choose to be gay. If it were that easy, I'd just be like my older
brothers and be straight, but I am not.
Anyone else thought this..?
igh: Kind of speaking from a pretty shitty place atm.. and this is partially a rant.
question/topic always get brought up.
"Wouldn't it be easier if we were just straight?"
I'm sure being straight has it's shares of problems, it probably might even
be similar to being gay or other orientation, but sometimes I just can't
help but think of how my life would be a little less difficult if I were just straight.
I really hate it when some straight people say being gay [lgbt] is a choice,
cause if I had to choose, and it's really sad and I hate myself for saying this, but
I really wouldn't choose to be gay. If it were that easy, I'd just be like my older
brothers and be straight, but I am not.
Anyone else thought this..?