02-13-2014, 10:47 PM
ardus Wrote:INMHO, those who knowingly and purposefully infect others with HIV should be charged with attempted murder, because in the end, that is what they are doing.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for HIV laws, but IMO if we are going to have laws surrounding HIV transmission, then there should be laws that extent to every other incurable infectious disease out there known to man spread through non-disclosure by the perpetrator... it's only fair, when you honestly think about it with a non-biased frame if mind.
You got herpes from the guy you sucked off last week? Get your lawyer ready! Genital warts? Call the police! Good luck having the evidence to prove your case!
I'd like to see that on Nancy Grace!

I also agree with others on this thread that laws need to be updated from the 80's era from which they came, when handing down sentences against carriers of HIV. The outdated vague laws in place today warrant an extremely broad and harsh legal reality to those living with the virus. It's time that things change.
It's similar, in some ways, to the lifetime ban in the US placed on openly gay men who wish to donate blood for those in need. It's an ancient discriminatory protocol from the 80's that's needs an update for this day and age. The information, technology and science is there to screen for HIV, thus deeming a blood ban on gay men nothing more than pure prejudice.