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Pride Flags... what are your thoughts?
I love how this is "shoving it down their throats"
[Image: gay_pride_flag_kimiko_r.png]

... and this isn't
[Image: Flag_of_the_United_States.svg]

It's a fucking flag. Get over it.

Wade Wrote:Totally beat me to it.

To Edward:

That is absolutely deplorable. Re-read what your friend said a couple more times: "when you know perfectly well that most straights will not accept it and you're still going around flaunting over the whole town how much you want to be accepted, then don't cry when you're bullied or beaten up, because that is of your own doing."

Do the men whose fists are raining down on these hypothetical men really believe they are not responsible for their actions? I'm speechless...

I understand that this guy stuck by you when most others didn't... but don't allow yourself to believe that what he said was either true, compassionate, loving or anything other than despicable, ignorant, barbaric victim blaming.

Hitting a person with your fists because they annoy you is how a two year old deals with their problems... not actual adults.

When I said I see sense in this I meant I've never understood the necessity of gay parades too, even though I'm gay myself. At the age of 28 I've never attended one and probably I never will, because I don't believe they can change something, and even if they can, then only to the worst. Of course, there should be equality between gays and straights as we're all human beings, but it'll never happen, because we live in a world where straight is the norm and gay is "the abnormal minority" and it'll always be like this. I don't want to offend anyone, I'm just saying that I kind of agree - flaunting the flag will not make straights accept, it can only make them even more furious with us.

Well, I guess the resolution to that dilemma lies in what we as individual gay people want to achieve. Increasingly, I'm seeing the goal of LGBT acceptance (for which there's been an unbelievable amount of progress in the last few decades) not as invisible integration with the heteronormative standard of society, but as a co-habitation of all types built on mutual respect; not tolerance, by the way... the most passive aggressive, bare minimum requirement of human decency.

I respect your feelings on the matter and I think they are valid. But I no longer believe, at least for me, that the point of this whole thing is to be as unobtrusive to "straights" as possible. And, not that I really need to say it, by "straights" I'm referring to those people who say "be gay, fine. I just don't want to know about it." I know a lot of straight people who ACTUALLY don't care and take no offense at flag waving and flamboyance whatsoever. Why is that so much to ask? Why do we have to walk on eggshells around these people like they're an abusive father figure with a hair trigger temper?

Wade Wrote:Well, I guess the resolution to that dilemma lies in what we as individual gay people want to achieve. Increasingly, I'm seeing the goal of LGBT acceptance (for which there's been an unbelievable amount of progress in the last few decades) not as invisible integration with the heteronormative standard of society, but as a co-habitation of all types built on mutual respect; not tolerance, by the way... the most passive aggressive, bare minimum requirement of human decency.

I respect your feelings on the matter and I think they are valid. But I no longer believe, at least for me, that the point of this whole thing is to be as unobtrusive to "straights" as possible. And, not that I really need to say it, by "straights" I'm referring to those people who say "be gay, fine. I just don't want to know about it." I know a lot of straight people who ACTUALLY don't care and take no offense at flag waving and flamboyance whatsoever. Why is that so much to ask? Why do we have to walk on eggshells around these people like they're an abusive father figure with a hair trigger temper?

Well, we believe that it's not much to ask. In my country something like acceptance is achieved, as marriage and military service and adoption are legal and actually Norway is considered to be a liberal country, I do feel much of a dislike around gay people, because many straight people still believe homosexuality is a choice and you can turn gay and they don't want their children to see gay couples. I guess you hang out with the right people then, because I've met lot of people with whom I just realized that it's better for my well being to keep my mouth shut about my sexuality.

Edward Wrote:I guess you hang out with the right people then, because I've met lot of people with whom I just realized that it's better for my well being to keep my mouth shut about my sexuality.

I understand this completely and would never judge or criticize someone on such a decision. I am fortunate that my environment is relatively accepting. I live in little college town in the middle of a big a rednecky countryside, so it's a really strange mix; it's like a tight knit little freckle of a progressive community sitting on a giant ass cheek of bigotry and ignorance. Good thing for me, I don't wander outside of the freckle all that often. So that being said, as previously stated, I have no room to criticize or judge others who are in worse or dangerous situations.

You have it right wade. The flag is separate from sex - it's simply a sign of support for the lgbt community and that it exists. For at risk Lgbts it is aa sign of hope and solidarity.

Personally, when people say not to wear lgbt bracelets, chains, or fly the flag, I think of people that wear crosses, Have nativity scenes, have naked calendars out in public living Space where everyone and their children can view them etc, and just note the double standard and move on.

For people that think the price flag is about sex - I just accept that they're out dated and hope for them to catch on that being gay is part of one's identity rather than having sex. For example, many people that wear pride bracelets are not even in relationships.

So yes, there is and maybe always will be double standards. You can wear religious emblems but pride bracelets are offensive. Where I live many people fly the flag for Italy to show love to their people, yet the flag is offensive. In many countries people parade around half naked for Mardi gras in a cultural festival, yet pride parades are offensive.

I recognize this for what it is: a double standard, and I believe in regarding double standards with a Loki philosophy of: I do what I want.

Eventually they then become weaker or dissipate entirely.

southbiochem Wrote:So, I can imagine how many people are missing out on meeting Wade....and now they will probably do cause he wears such a thing.....

I agree that people are missing out on meeting wade but personally when i see guys with rainbow flags they always seem to be in a rush or not interested in whats around them, like their just a walking symbol for gay equality and cant stay still for too long cause maybe there afraid, i can understand that.

I feel like I'm missing something. So I aint commented yet. Because this thread confuses me.

The fucking flag. Does not mean I fuck people. It means my people were fucked. And that is why ya wave it.

The guy with the mullet in the pic on reddit, he may not be an idiot but the quote is stupid. Nobody cares if you fuck your wife, hence... hencey hence hence.

Having a flag that represents a movement... is normal, and acceptable, and the "views" or "beliefs" (I mean God forbid wtf?) that are being "forced" onto people (somehow?) are views of acceptance, and what should be more than tolerance toward people who are the tiniest bit different than you are, by no choice, and victims of a lot of hate and violence.

If you get stuck in traffic because I'm having a parade about something that should not have caused me the problems it has, I aint sorry. Catsmiley

I'm just too angry about all this. IDK.

[Image: EARLY%20NAZI%20FLAG.jpg]

I'm proud to be white, I descend from Aryans. I doubt people would be too happy if I waved my pride at being Aryan and White all over the place, or wore my armband to announce to other National Socialists my leanings which would make it far, far easier for me in this world of people who for some odd reason don't like National Socialism.

[Image: nazi_armband.jpg]

Are you offended or would you be offended to have Nazism rubbed in your face when you yourself most likely disagree with the tenants of a Master White Race that must rule the world by force if necessary?

If yes, then consider that there are people who are terrified that the Homosexual Agenda is seeking to convert their innocent/helpless children to homosexuality and that all homosexuals go to Hell and they don't want their babies going to hell.

Both LGBT and Nazis have dark connotations for people. While in the case of National Socialists there is a real history of influences which are slightly negative, Fortunately there is no history to demonstrate that there is a Gay Agenda..... Oops... perhaps there is.... Gay pride, gays demanding more and more rights, special privileges in the the form of hate crime bills... There is just enough 'slightly off' that there is good reason to fear the Rainbow Flag and the potentials it carries.

[Image: Confederate_Rebel_Flag.svg]

This is a symbol of:

1. Slavery

2. Freedom from a Federal Union http://www.trainweb.org/seaboard/FLAG/co...teflag.htm

Flags are symbols, the USA flag is a symbol of tyranny, hatred and bombed out buildings and murdered babies... In the Middle East. Other places its a symbol of Liberty and Freedom...

While the Rainbow flag symbolizes one thing to you, it symbolized other things to other people.

Like it or not their ideals and philosophies are as valid as yours. Yes I know, you don't like that, but they don't like yours either.

The difference between the Nazis and LGBT is that LGBT haven't rounded up innocent people and gassed them in a holocaust. I don't recall us killing over 6 million people. Unless it happened while I marching in that parade.

[Image: PrideParade009.jpg]
[Image: 51806835273_f5b3daba19_t.jpg]  <<< It's mine!

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