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Does anyone think cities like New York, Paris and London are over-rated?
Okay I admit I can't comment on New York as I've never been there, but the reason I chose those 3 cities for this post was because together they have so many tourists (probably the most visited cities in the world) and everyone raves about how 'great' they are and each of them tries to compete with the other 2 pretty much constantly for tourists and prestige.

Yes these cities do have some good things about them including some pretty interesting sites, museums, and heritage, not to mention culture. But personally I find Paris and London so over-rated.

I live in London and boy this place has far too many tourists. I don't mean any offence but when you work in the city centre and have to battle them every single day it kind of wears you down. They're everywhere, in the Tube, on the streets... There's no escape. I don't understand why so many people have to come to London when there's a whole damn country to explore. What's the appeal really?

London has one of the highest living costs in Europe. You can end up paying a lot just for some crummy sandwich from some crummy chain 'restaurant' (if you can call it that) like 'Pret-A-Manger' (a damn faux French restaurant). It hardly seems worth going out here sometimes.

The museums here are free which is great but at the same time they are so crowded you can't really do much. Again this is mainly due to the tourists. I think they should start charging entrance to the museums to limit the numbers and to raise revenue - it might actually improve things a little. So again that option is limited.

People here can be aggressive and customer service in London isn't great. I would say Paris is actually worse for customer service though (no offence to Parisians intended but the service there does have an even worse reputation than ours). In some parts of London the crime rate is really high, police officers aren't often visible outside the city centre, and you feel unsafe walking down the streets. There're some dodgy groups of people who congregate near my local Tube. I have the dubious pleasure of having to walk past them every night.

And let's not forget the pollution and congestion too.

However, whenever I meet people from abroad (and there're a lot of them here, British nationals are a minority here), everyone talks about how 'wonderful' the city is. It's like they're blind to its negatives. It kinda gets annoying - it's just seems so phony and yeah it's wonderful if you're a foreigner and you only live or visit the city centre but there's more to London than Zones 1 and 2 on the Tube. I remember when I went to The World Pride in Trafalgar Square in 2012 and ended up being hassled by this skanky woman from Essex (a region to the east of London) and some American who seemed drunk but who I suspect was completely fucking high on E because he was hyper and was just totally getting on my nerves. I had to storm off because I felt like smacking them both they were that annoying (I managed to resist the temptation though).

When I walked away I just thought 'God... how can anyone possibly put up with all this'?
Factor in the overcrowded Tube journeys, the stress, the heat in the summer, and it's one massive headache.

As for Paris... well as soon as I got off the Eurostar train at Gare du Nord I was immediately hassled by a French-Arab guy upon leaving the station who was yelling at me in French... not a great first impression of a place. Since then I had to quickly adjust to being hassled by roma gypsy beggars in Paris everywhere I go. Outside the Louvre you get these 'charity fundraisers' who are fake trying to raise money for their supposed 'cause' helping blind children. They're aggressive though and cannot be trusted. Really they're the worse sort of scumbags pretending to raise money for some desperate group of people in need and then creaming the profits....

It gets worse, there're these African 'traders' outside the Sacre Coeur in Montmartre who give you a 'friendship bracelet' and then charge you like 20 Euros for the supposed 'privilege'. I was foolish enough to fall for their scam once. Never again though! Why these people are allowed to do this and get away with it I don't know!

And when I was inside the Sacre Coeur, there was some crazy, insane priest there yelling at people barely making a noise to 'shhhh'. When I was leaving the Sacre Coeur (bloody depressing place - I'd stay away from it if I were you), some young tourist was taking pictures. The priest got pissed off and I mean PISSED. He actually barged past me practically pushing me to one side violently just so he could collar the tourist and yell 'no photo' at him. What a rude, nasty sod he was.

I already mentioned the customer service. Paris is a bit of a rip-off, though I think London is worse in this regard.

I mean Paris has its good side, like its museums, some pretty sites, its culture... but at the same time there is so much that drags the whole visiting experience down.

So anyway, what do you guys make of these cities? Has anyone here been to New York? Did you like it? Were you disappointed?

PS: I admit I am a bit intolerant, I won't pretend I am not. I used to be much more tolerant but after years of total dickheads giving me shit day in and day out my tolerance has been tested.

NYC is my dream city and I always wanted to go there, but probably I never will. However all my friends who has been there, are very satisfied, I haven't heard anything bad.

I've been to London and Paris. I don't regret it, but I've to say - nothing special. I don't really understand how do this city get so many tourists. Paris is very beautiful city, however Parisians seemed a bit cold and unfriendly to me.

Never been to New York, have no intention of ever going. Have heard WAY too many bad things about it.

Been to Miami and Fort Lauderdale.....WAAAAAAAY over rated! The police are corrupt beyond corrupt!!! They will BREAK into your house and STEAL anything they want, and NOBODY will do anything about it! It happened to my sister.

San Francisco is just a big, stinky, nasty, hate-filled city. Ok place to visit for the scenery, but I would NEVER live there!!! I mean really......I walked down Market Street towards the Embarcadero and passed TWO people on the street excreting on the sidewalk!!! And the police and everybody else just acted like it was nothing.

Dallas, Texas. So much human filth has moved here since the 1990's, its just another violent, disgustingly filth/crime ridden city now. You are lucky if you are able to cross the street without getting flattened by a sack of human garbage speeding through red lights and stop signs. And the police dont care, they get their paychecks, they dont give a shit about anything else.

Gosh, in my opinion Paris is the most fascinating city in the world, I mean is damn beautiful, everything is amazing... ART ART ART ART!

I lived in London and yes, is so expensive etc, but when you talk about 'the worst customer service' and 'the pollution', man I think you have no idea about the other big cities in the world, or at least in Europe...
You can try the customer service in Italy or Spain, or other places... Compared to these places London has a very very good customer service, for more or less everything.
Also about the pollution, London is full of giant green areas...
LOL I heard a lot of urban legends about London, rain, mist, pollution, blahblah... In comparison to my beloved Milan, London is like The Heaven VS The Hell.
And Milan is the most organized place in Italy. I really miss London

I need to try NY ;-)

That sounds depressingly familiar, a few British cities are the same. I used to live in Birmingham, UK's wonderful 2nd city, and that was a dive. It's full of people who are actually more aggressive than some of the folks in London, has got all these ghettoised suburbs where no one speaks a word of English, and where people are always getting mugged, beaten up, shot and stabbed all the time. I've had quite a few problems with people in Birmingham too. I mean what is it with these places?!

I think tourists should try travelling to London inner city suburbs such as Hackney, Brixton, Peckham etc. they will see a completely different side to the place there.

personally I've been more of a country boy, if I can get the money together I would move out in a heartbeat and rent my flat out to someone else. A cottage, bungalow or chalet would be nice Smile Just somewhere away from all the congestion, pollution and crime.

I went to Italy once (to Rome) and really liked it. The customer service wasn't too bad and the people on the whole were nice. Plus it was nice and warm. I might consider going back there again.

As for London's green spaces. Well yeah it has green spaces but at the same time it has the tourist problem. Those parks get so full of tourists, some of whom are snogging in public (like I wanna see some guy practically eating a girl's face!).

Fortunately where I live I can get on trains out of the city without much difficulty so taking breaks from this place is easy (thank God).

I am a creature of the wild wood - I loath cities, towns and large villages... To me any place were vast tracks of forest or wild land have been bulldozed, paved over and have steel, concrete, stone and wooden structures to pack in hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of human beings are a nightmare.

So I don't get the whole romance of going to visit cities all over the world. The Old world ones are nightmares of logistics (never heard of a Grid System Europe? Sheesh!) the New world ones are a horror of linear lines and its a God Forsaken Grid which just does not exist in nature! (see can't please me)....

Art, Culture, blah blah blah... yeah well there are caves aren't there? Store that crap there....

I used to want to live in NYC a few years ago, but then realized as much
as I love being in an urban/city living, I'll miss my small patches of green
and the woods. It has really super artsy side, but it also has a lot of really sketchy
areas like in and around Queen's and some parts of Brooklyn. I've also heard from
a lot of folks about how New York City can pretty much suck your soul, so yeah.. No
soul sucking for me Wink

I've also been to Toronto, again I had a dream of living there, but decided that
if I can't even take the Winter here in New England, I'm not so sure if I'll fair
well in a Canadian Winter. Like NYC, Toronto has a lot of super crunchy/arts areas
which I love, but it also has parts where it's not all that safe to go to by yourself at night.

San Francisco I stayed in for pretty roughly a week. I spent my time being a typical
tourist but was also shown the non-touristy type areas. There's a lot of diversity, but
there's also a lot of homeless folks and areas that are pretty sketched.

I am planning on moving out west, but it'll probably not be in San Fran, but most
definitely in and around South Bay like San Jose, which I've also been to and
spent the time seeing.

I think every city/place has it's good side and bad side, if you go to
a place where you're expecting the bad, then that's all your gonna see.

..except for Hartford, Ct.. cause that place just sucks all the balls D;

I feel like parts of Paris and NY are over-rated, like the touristy things (I can't stand getting stuck in the crowd), but being there in itself is great Smile I live near New York so I've been there a few times, been to Paris a handful of times as well, and both cities are by no means over-rated in my book.

Yes tulloni i often see tourists in kent with the "I (heart) London" and i think "yeah right" Like you say british people are a minority, most of them were not asked about tony blairs open door policy on immigration, whenever i go something dodgy happens, people are agressive, cold, afraid, youth speak multicultural english which is designed to intimidate, i guess it can depend on how lucky you are in what area you live in, some people are blind to the suffering around them.

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