and its all part of a very careful well concieved plan!
Just ignore this shit, sorry.
No im going to get more tonight, thanks god!
Yes im afraid since i was 13, i never havent smoked it, even when i had boyfriends, they hated it but accept it, i was going to give up but obviously not, i cant be bothered
Sorry everyone for being a cunt… also the old guy i look after is in hospital with pnuemonia (sorry i cant spell) and and and and and and and everything. I prefer to smoke weed than find a boyfriend and then i wonder why because i dont have nice memorys from smoking weed lmao
Damn man, that sounds like a pretty crappy experience. But weed though?! Seriously, I really would not touch that shit. I remember when I went to Amsterdam back in 2010 and was surrounded by the stuff all the time (it was probably just the area I was based in to be fair). I hated it - it absolutely stank and the people I was with were smoking it all the time and were generally acting like total, hyper dickheads (I came very close to slapping them a few times cos they pissed me off so much and I am usually totally non-violent). Plus I took 'space cake' and had one really bad nightmarish experience as a result. I know it's pretty different but it's similar in a way - point is if you smoke drugs you're just killing yourself and any self-respect you might have. It's far better to fight back against this disgusting, corrupt world my friend rather than to succumb to it.
It never makes me hyper or act stupidly but i know im better without it… thanks tulloni, i take on board your comments.