Tyrion Wrote:@ Tinkles, I am in a wheelchair. I think what you're saying applies to some people, but not these two. These two "friends" I have are extremely anti-social, and tend to hate everyone. It's been getting more and more on my nerves that they never want to do anything with others or out in public.. and even talk bad about my other friends. It's almost like for whatever reason I'm the main person they associate with and expect me to be there whenever it's needed. I think they're both a bit immature and selfish, and only see from their point of view and not mine. I think that's the main problem.
Either way.. I'm done with drama. I'm totally stressed out atm over a lot of things, but im just going to let it go and work on bettering myself and definitely try to stand up for myself more often. I really appreciate the posts here. They've helped me feel a bit better and more confident about myself, so thank you all .
In that case, apparently you were the only friend they had left, that they wanted anything to do with. Which is sad, because you can get really bogged down in the self pity of being like that, and annoying your last friend to death.
I've done that a few times in my life, and have run off some good friends. But that was before I learned to be my own friend.
Well, you are in school. If you want more friends, you have perfect opportunity to make as many as you want. If you dont, then you have your school work and other stuff to keep you busy.
I always say that ONE GOOD, TRUE friend is worth 100 fake friends.
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You seem to be a decent enough guy just don't sell yourself short, and don't put up with shit - but likewise make sure you confront issues :p
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
That girl who told on you isn't your friend, a true friend knows when you're talking out of stress and would never ever betray your trust, I would never trust this woman again or consider her a friend.
I have so many secrets, when my friends fight between them I never tell on each other when they complain/rant about it with me, I encourage them to find a solution, but I never tell what the other other person says about them, Because first it's not my place to say anything, second, most of the time when someone complains he can say things that he doesn't really mean out of stress, even if it is true, in this scenario I would've listened to you, encourage you to stand your ground, but wouldn't intervene myself unless you asked for my help.
I try very hard not to talk badly about people behind their backs. I avoid saying things like "Good thing you dumped that shitbag of a boyfriend! You deserve so much better!" simply because they JUST MIGHT get back together......
The only person I trust enough, to tell such things, is my husbear. So I bite my tongue until I can vent my frustrations to him.
As Ryocchi said, that girl isn't a friend. I don't understand what kind of a person would go ahead and blabber about something like that? Unless she's the kind of friend who realised you had to get away from those two and she "did you a favour" by telling them. I don't really believe in that last one though, but I don't know her
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04-20-2014, 02:39 PM
(Edited 04-20-2014, 02:39 PM by ChadCoxRox.)
People will show you who they are. Believe them.
from the great Maya Angelou
Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!
Cuddly Wrote:I try very hard not to talk badly about people behind their backs. I avoid saying things like "Good thing you dumped that shitbag of a boyfriend! You deserve so much better!" simply because they JUST MIGHT get back together......
The only person I trust enough, to tell such things, is my husbear. So I bite my tongue until I can vent my frustrations to him.
I always say, if you're gonna talk behind someone's back, make sure you only say things you'd say to their face. It keeps us all honest
PS I love how you always refer to your man as "husbear"! My BF calls me his "honey bear".
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Tyrion Wrote:These two "friends" I have are extremely anti-social, and tend to hate everyone. It's been getting more and more on my nerves that they never want to do anything with others or out in public.. and even talk bad about my other friends. It's almost like for whatever reason I'm the main person they associate with and expect me to be there whenever it's needed. I think they're both a bit immature and selfish, and only see from their point of view and not mine. I think that's the main problem.
Sounds as if they've created a comfort zone for their own dysfunction. Misery loves company no matter how anti-social!
Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!
CCRox Wrote:Sounds as if they've created a comfort zone for their own dysfunction. Misery loves company no matter how anti-social! 
You got that right, CC! Miserable people constantly strive to make everyone around them as miserable as they are. I read somewhere that it has something to do with the inability of the psyche to reconcile the perceived happiness of others with internal anguish. From the perspective of the subconscious, every person is just a projected extension of the ego itself.
Cuddly Wrote:I try very hard not to talk badly about people behind their backs. I avoid saying things like "Good thing you dumped that shitbag of a boyfriend! You deserve so much better!" simply because they JUST MIGHT get back together......
The only person I trust enough, to tell such things, is my husbear. So I bite my tongue until I can vent my frustrations to him.
As Ryocchi said, that girl isn't a friend. I don't understand what kind of a person would go ahead and blabber about something like that? Unless she's the kind of friend who realised you had to get away from those two and she "did you a favour" by telling them. I don't really believe in that last one though, but I don't know her 
Yeah, that's precisely what she thinks. I get how it looks to other people, and it really did piss me off, but I told her never to do something like that again. I can handle my own problems.
She did it though because Ive been bitching to her about it for A LONG time. And she didn't just go to these people and say "Joe said -- " she just echoed my thoughts saying that she thought they were seflish and inconsiderate for not respecting my time, etc. Then of course the other two were offended, but as far as I'm concerned right now that's on them.
But yeah my friend who blabbed, which yes wasn't the right thing to do, is someone I've known my while life. I talk to her on the phone daily, and something like this has never happened before. I know her intention was to help me, despite how it looks, but now she's lost a lot of trust from me as well. I'm not going to defriend her over it though.
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Cuddly Wrote:The only person I trust enough, to tell such things, is my husbear. So I bite my tongue until I can vent my frustrations to him.
Husbear makes me smile haha it just shows how much of a nice intimate and I guess honest relationship you have :p
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]