06-13-2014, 08:45 PM
I bet someone will see my username and think its me me chose Nah! it's meme chose, French for same thing Why I pick it? I looked out the window and was inspired by the shitty weather we are having this summer, and decided today was just partly meme chose with a 50% chance of meme chose in the afternoon with highs tomorrow in the lower meme chose range with meme chose winds.
I need to say I did 4 years in the military. Life altering experiences even when it's boring.
I'm 26 now.
Came back to my home area, now living in a tiny one church, one gas station, two stores, three bar town for past 3 1/2 years. No one here gives a F**k who's gay and who isn't. People who speak bad of others are fast to end up with no one to talk to. There are 7 gay adults here, all over 40. Each of them has their sets of close friends who are mostly straight. So do I. We don't socialize here based on gay or straight. Everyone here, close friend or not, thinks my BF is the best thing since big cute brown eyes were invented.
My BF and I have been making it work 5 yrs on traveling 3-4 times a year to meet up. He lives in a city of over 2 million with at least 3 dozen gay bars that I know about and have been to.
Where I live is 6 hours from the closest gay bar. Last time I was there with my BF I saw a guy reach down and grab a handful of my BFs stuff. I got upset --- but it wasn't jealousy ---- it was plain and simple my disrespectful towards my man for the guy to do that. What I saw was a stranger be rude to a man so special to me, I have never been and never will be rude to him.
I did apologize for bruising him up so bad. I even used the bar's staple gun to attach the arm I yanked off back to the guy's shoulder.
So my BF will have his degree this winter. I'll have mine in the spring. When he was here in May he said he wanted to move HERE when he was done in school, not stay in his huge big home city. Why? He likes my friends better than his. He likes everything about it. He's already been offered a job here awhile ago. I think part of it might have something to do with me.
So what am I telling all this for?
I'm hoping if you read it you'll understand when I miss out on jukes and gay lingo all of you may be using. I can be pretty lost in big city gay life and I bet most of you would be lost in my life in a one church, one gas station, two store, three bar, one DQ town. where deer do more weedeating than gardeners.
I need to say I did 4 years in the military. Life altering experiences even when it's boring.
I'm 26 now.
Came back to my home area, now living in a tiny one church, one gas station, two stores, three bar town for past 3 1/2 years. No one here gives a F**k who's gay and who isn't. People who speak bad of others are fast to end up with no one to talk to. There are 7 gay adults here, all over 40. Each of them has their sets of close friends who are mostly straight. So do I. We don't socialize here based on gay or straight. Everyone here, close friend or not, thinks my BF is the best thing since big cute brown eyes were invented.
My BF and I have been making it work 5 yrs on traveling 3-4 times a year to meet up. He lives in a city of over 2 million with at least 3 dozen gay bars that I know about and have been to.
Where I live is 6 hours from the closest gay bar. Last time I was there with my BF I saw a guy reach down and grab a handful of my BFs stuff. I got upset --- but it wasn't jealousy ---- it was plain and simple my disrespectful towards my man for the guy to do that. What I saw was a stranger be rude to a man so special to me, I have never been and never will be rude to him.
I did apologize for bruising him up so bad. I even used the bar's staple gun to attach the arm I yanked off back to the guy's shoulder.

So my BF will have his degree this winter. I'll have mine in the spring. When he was here in May he said he wanted to move HERE when he was done in school, not stay in his huge big home city. Why? He likes my friends better than his. He likes everything about it. He's already been offered a job here awhile ago. I think part of it might have something to do with me.
So what am I telling all this for?
I'm hoping if you read it you'll understand when I miss out on jukes and gay lingo all of you may be using. I can be pretty lost in big city gay life and I bet most of you would be lost in my life in a one church, one gas station, two store, three bar, one DQ town. where deer do more weedeating than gardeners.