"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." And, in the spirit of Gandhi... I have followed his example and in times when people expect you to react or get revenge, but you don't, they are shocked and their own wrongdoings lay exposed and even more prominent. Sometimes this is enough for them to leave me alone and go away.
One of my exes became a completely different person after I left him. Had I turned around and took revenge on him, treating him badly, doing all sorts of mean things to him, I can 100% guarantee it wouldn't of happened. To him, and outsiders, it would have justified his cruelty towards me.
He even admitted his faults in the end, long after we split up. He honestly made a lot of huge changes and is a new man. I would never be his partner again and I'm not his friend, but I respect his self-examination and change.
I tend to get caught up in petty revenges over little things to prove I was the right one all along. It's really satsifying the rare times I'm proven right.
It's sweet when I play it in my mind,until I actually do it..