Hi Guys! I agree with ETOTE lol. This thread has been used for any random thing mostly. But its okay though (?)
SO. What this doctor has put in my organism is masculine hormones. Like. Testosterone. And the the treatment consist in one injections every month, for 3 months. And after I let them inject me (yes, I did
I was in so much pressure, I so regret it now.) I did my research , and having excessive amounts of masculine hormones can cause a lot of diseases. Like cancer in the prostate, cardiac problems, erection problems (this one's bad) and a lot more, and I showed them to my mom and she said that I was looking to a super extreme consequences. But... This could happen to me, and I will not risk my health nor body for her to satisfy herself. A while ago I told her that I will not go to that doctor anymore, and that I will not risk my body. She insisted and I guess that she will keeping on insisting. And she told me that I can get a doctor who " thinks like me". But I am freakin tired of all this shit. I don't want to go to the doctor neither psychologist. And if she wants to kick me outta da house, I'll go with my head held high. And knowing I did the best of me and they didn't. No regrets. ( hoping that that doesn't happen cuz I don't have a job neither a place to stay lol) . I read that this hormones will make my voice lower, and facial hair will grow a lot more (like a masculinization lol ). I may change outside and look more "manly" but, in the end I will still like dick

exydance2: So... Why to cross al those things? ( am I singer and I totally don't want my voice to change) she said that if I go through all the shit she wants me to do to me and explore all the "horizons" and after aaall of that I still wants to stay there, she will understand and give a step back, she thinks I am disoriented.