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Bad treatment from people within the gay community
I did and I don't know why. It was even worse when I was a model, I had some straight guys kind of jealous, but the most hurtful and venomous comments always came from my gay counterparts. Even here at first, the very first time Jake posted a picture of me, people took it and went on Tiny whatever application to search my picture and come back saying that it was fake or anything of that sort... in some way saying that I was too beautiful for Jake. EUHHHHHH have you guy seen Jake? He may not be your type, but I sure know a shit load of people who'd definitely not say no to this extremely fine piece of black ass.

When Jake and I got married, we did it very public, we had the local newspaper invited and also the gay magazines, while the local newspaper was very politically correct, I have been sliced by the gay periodic who claimed that I was marrying him because he was this kid from one of Canada's top 20's richest family. I swear I was so mad, so pissed off, the only thing I could do is burst in tears so much I was disgusted by the community hitting so low... and this was all because, ME a model like dude that somehow made them believe that I should have married another blond fellow - indirectly saying that Jake was out of my league - REALLY! I have the blond face, sure, but at 38 he's handsome, a magnificent body and yes he's the rich one, so how am I too good for him? Shouldn't it be the opposite. What I've got from all this was that Jake and I got to stay far from the gay scene.

We are here in GS, but we did leave before, and if ever it comes back the way it was before, Jake and I will not even try to reason with imbeciles, we'll just leave.

You were speaking of Youtube, in Youtube I avoid all gay related subjects, because I have got enough of peoples ignorance in real life, I don't need and don't want to take their abuse virtually... mostly when we all know that often the ones slandering us online are often gay themselves.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:In my early thirties I stopped participating in the LGBT Community and went my own way.

Does it really matter what I think about masculinity, bisexuals, closeted individuals? Does my opinion on these matters actually affect change in others?

Does it mean you have to listen to my take, or follow my rules and regulations?


You choose to follow these videos and listen to the opinions of these particular people. That sir is on you.

You can as easily choose to do like I do - find some other subject to watch on You-tube. Currently I'm watching a lot of flintnapping channels....
I didn't specifically 'choose' to follow these videos; I just stumbled upon them. Listening to their opinions is on me, though, I agree. But I don't see a problem with that. I may have my own opinion on certain things, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to listening to others' opinion that may heavily contrast my own. What I'd like is to understand why these people think like they do.

Thanks to the responses I got from you lot, I now have a better understanding as to why. Wink

Alex Wrote:You were speaking of Youtube, in Youtube I avoid all gay related subjects, because I have got enough of peoples ignorance in real life, I don't need and don't want to take their abuse virtually... mostly when we all know that often the ones slandering us online are often gay themselves.
You shouldn't. There are all kinds of gay people on YouTube that are very open-minded, including ones who are active in the LGBT community. I'm sorry if I made it sound like YouTube was a toxic environment for people like us. The close-minded gay personalities on YouTube are actually far and between that you won't even find them unless you specifically look for them, which is what happened with me. I stumbled upon one video of a gay man making fun of bisexual people, it sparked my curiosity if others felt the same way, so I went and searched for more videos like it.

Wade Wrote:I think gay people inherently have two moments of shocking realization in their lives: The first is the moment when you realize you're gay, the second is the moment you realize that other gay people are just as likely to be stupid fucking assholes as anyone else. All three scenarios you mentioned are made all the worse, and more baffling, because they're coming from people who should have the most capability for empathy concerning those particular topics.... I don't get it either.

I'm sorrry Wade but your words REALLY deserved that. In fact I copied them to repaste the next time this comes up. Don't worry I will give you credit for it.

ETOTE Wrote:Hey now, don't be dissing my kind.

For the record, it's bonobos, not bonobo's.
Bonobo's would be in reference to ownership belonging to that individual.

"The bonobo's arm is long."

When referring to them as a group, there is no need for an apostrophe.

"We are all pansexual bonobos."

Unless it's referring to ownership belonging to the group, then it would be bonobos'.

The bonobos' young are cute.

[Image: 89bcde3e734288d6edbec850f29d40a4.jpg]

[Image: baby-bonobo2.jpg]

[Image: baby_bonobo.jpg]

ETATER... you really fixated on the bonobos! To me they're about the Futest Cuckers ever put on earth. They really make chimps look like thugs....and I like they way they're so modest about sex LOL

Now for a serious reply.....

Excal, you hit on one of my HUGE issues with "the gay community" and I'm sure everyone is tired of me ranting on it.

It annoys the ever-loving-fuck out of me that gays can be so frackin cruel and simple minded about sexuality like you described.... even worse than heteros.....

I am FOREVER in Professor ETOTE's debt for posting this test to chart sexuality I reformatted it to print out and make people do it to show them how 'flexible" sexuality really is.

Deep inside I do not identify myself as being gay.... or straight... or bisexual. And I'm glad I haven't seen the vids you talked about. I'd burn up their youtube comments telling them what ⊄∑∏⊕∇⊥¢₪₨₧₢฿₣₡₰₠¤ΞΣΘδΩΨΦζψϑϖ ignorant rat shit sucking bastards they are.

Last Wednesday night in a bar with my man sitting in my lap I got smacked in the face with Exactly what you're talking about. One guy asked me when I was going to quit acting like I'm straight and finally admit that I'm gay. I'm used to it and played it off but after the 3rd or 4th guy pushed the issue My Jay Man went psycho on them. I spent the rest of the evening calming him down. Watching him get so upset hurt me more than any words they said to me..... and it wasn't over when we left the bar. He was so mad he was crying when we went to the car and he said something that gave me a new insight into him and his friends. He said shit like that was why he wanted to leave a city of 2 million people and a huge gay population to live with me in a rinky-dink town of 1500 people who he and I both know by name and and they never talk to us like that.

On second thought... how about giving me links to the piss ants who who posted those vids

excalibur77 Wrote:You shouldn't. There are all kinds of gay people on YouTube that are very open-minded, including ones who are active in the LGBT community. I'm sorry if I made it sound like YouTube was a toxic environment for people like us. The close-minded gay personalities on YouTube are actually far and between that you won't even find them unless you specifically look for them, which is what happened with me. I stumbled upon one video of a gay man making fun of bisexual people, it sparked my curiosity if others felt the same way, so I went and searched for more videos like it.

It's not your comment Excalibur that makes me avoid all gay related subjects in Youtube it's my own choice., I'm just sick and tired of the ignorance. It's already a load to take the abuse in person, I don't need the virtual part.

As a doctor, very young in practice I get to meet many teenagers that are opening to me and many are cyberbullied in Youtube and other social media, and before there's action taken, the worse is already done. Jake' son Josuah was harassed because his father was gay, Josh is very proud and open minded about his two daddies, like our Mariah-Sandra.

Jake got so mad - and you don't want this dude to get mad at you! I swear he's the devil in person. He called a friend of his who is working for Google, got the information he needed and launch a cyber attack against the kid who was bullying his kid. When this dude gets mad I can't control him, he'll never hurt me but he's scary.

So that's why I'm avoiding gay subjects on social media such as Youtube, because it always turn sour, and I want Jake to stay out of jail lol.

memechose Wrote:Now for a serious reply.....

Excal, you hit on one of my HUGE issues with "the gay community" and I'm sure everyone is tired of me ranting on it.

It annoys the ever-loving-fuck out of me that gays can be so frackin cruel and simple minded about sexuality like you described.... even worse than heteros.....

Deep inside I do not identify myself as being gay.... or straight... or bisexual. And I'm glad I haven't seen the vids you talked about. I'd burn up their youtube comments telling them what ⊄∑∏⊕∇⊥¢₪₨₧₢฿₣₡₰₠¤ΞΣΘδΩΨΦζψϑϖ ignorant rat shit sucking bastards they are.

Last Wednesday night in a bar with my man sitting in my lap I got smacked in the face with Exactly what you're talking about. One guy asked me when I was going to quit acting like I'm straight and finally admit that I'm gay. I'm used to it and played it off but after the 3rd or 4th guy pushed the issue My Jay Man went psycho on them. I spent the rest of the evening calming him down. Watching him get so upset hurt me more than any words they said to me..... and it wasn't over when we left the bar. He was so mad he was crying when we went to the car and he said something that gave me a new insight into him and his friends. He said shit like that was why he wanted to leave a city of 2 million people and a huge gay population to live with me in a rinky-dink town of 1500 people who he and I both know by name and and they never talk to us like that.

On second thought... how about giving me links to the piss ants who who posted those vids

Hahahahaha Meme, you got yourself a Jake... he's the very same... he's calm, very calm, doesn't say shit but when he got enough OMFG - try stopping a Shaolin Master when he has enough, the word is IMPOSSIB:E without the cops lol, this happened once in a bar in my hometown and once in Brisbane as well. Seems that you'll be marrying a ticking bomb too LOL.

Back when I bartended one of the things I used to say a lot to my customers when they asked me why I hated the Castro is that I got 50X more discrimination on that street than I got the entire rest of my time on earth...and that was in one visit.

It was particularly nasty in the early 80's. I think the Pod People arrived one day because all of a sudden everyone looked and acted almost identical and it was really uncomfortable if you didn't conform...it was even creepy. It was as if everyone got a memo and they forgot to give me one. I think maybe that is why I didn't get AIDS because these guys repelled me instead of attracted me. It is a HUGE turn off for me to go along with everyone else...I refuse.

I would go to The Haight and South of Market...and sometimes Polk...and barely noticed anything "off"...lots of individuals....but The Castro was horrific in terms of bitchy gay men ripping you apart. I did notice one thing...most were from other parts of the US and would correct you if you didn't refer to San Francisco as "The City" (BARF) Uh....my family is native....for generations.....assholes. I don't know if it has changed since then...I hope to never return to that street.

It is one of the reasons I avoid the parade as well.....


First of all, I'm sorry that happened to you. That sucks. It's ridiculous that some gay men think that, in order for one to be gay, they'd have to fart glitter or something, otherwise they're "acting like they're straight." Is it ever going to get through them that 'straight' and 'masculine' aren't synonyms? You're not "acting straight," you're just masculine. Plain and simple.

Anyway, I could only find one of the YouTube videos I saw. I said earlier I only stumbled upon one of those videos, and I don't exactly remember how it happened.

The guy in the video seems like the type of guy who likes to laugh or giggle after every phrase that comes out of his mouth. Quite annoying to watch, to be perfectly honest. lol But I don't know, maybe he's just trying too hard to be funny. But he's one of the guys I was talking about. He's convinced that ALL masculine gay men are bound to be "feminine after midnight," and that "masculine gay men = unicorns and leprechauns." To me, it sounds like his point stems from the idea that "if you enjoy anal stimulation, you're feminine," which is ridiculous in and of itself. It's like he's suggesting that STRAIGHT people aren't allowed to enjoy anal stimulation, because then if they do, he'll be the first one to tease them for being gay, even though from a scientific standpoint, it's perfectly natural for any man, gay or straight, to enjoy anal stimulation, because it's the prostate that's being stimulated, and the anal cavity provides easy access to it. Ironically, he has the audacity to say "I don't want to be with or date a really flamboyant or, like, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay guy," but makes fun of those that prefer to only date "masculine" men, joking that he'd even call them out. If I were to get down to his level, I'd point and laugh at him too for the irony in him not wanting a "gay, gay, gay, gay, gay guy" when every single word that comes out of his mouth is covered in glitter. That's what I'd equate it to.

Here's a more positive satire video about bisexuals. It's a bunch of gay guys making fun of the logic in the arguments some "gay bisexual haters" use.

Innocents getting killed everyday. Rapes, crimes against children, crimes in the name of religion...
Majority just stay mum and do nothing about it. For me, that is a sign of being weak, not being masculine!!!
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