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Bad treatment from people within the gay community
This is a subject that has been on my minds practically since forever.

Recap: I grew up in rural Indiana (1950s/60s) and didn't even know there was anything even remotely like "a gay community," until I was 16 years old. I just thought I was a pervert and although I knew there were others like me, I had *no idea* they were out there in the big cities en mass. I met my first openly gay man, a 28yo with whom I became friends, at age 18/19 when I went to college in Chicago. At that time I was still too young to go to bars but he introduced me to many of his friends and it was at this point I began to experience some of this inter-gay hostility. My friend wasn't like that. He was smart, witty, helpful but never cruel. He could be 'catty' at times but for him it was always just kidding around making fun of himself as much as anyone else, and I got that. But I was a very insecure kid in a lot of ways (still am even at this advanced age) and just didn't know how to 'hold my own' in cat fights.

Time passed, I moved from Chicago and lived back home in Indiana for a couple years and then moved to Milwaukee to live with a bisexual lover I'd met in college and his woman friend in an open ménage à trios. (It was the early 70s, we did that sort of thing.) That was fine but going out to bars was always a very displeasing experience for me. It just felt "gamey," like everyone (or most everyone) was playing some sort of "I'm superior and you're fucked" self-justification game. I didn't like it so just stayed home most of the time.

A couple years later and the bi man and his lady got married, which was fine (they're still good friends) and I moved to California.

I agree with East's description of the Castro, that's how it felt to me. The bitchy gay clones were everywhere. I didn't 'fit in' because a) I wasn't super hot (nice but 'average' looking), b) wasn't interested in playing all the one-up, catty games and c) wasn't interested in having as much sex as I possibly could with every Tom, Dick and Mary that crossed my path. On top of this, like East says, I just wasn't interested in "conforming." Basically I felt ostracized by most gay men I met who felt they had a right to tell me how and who I ought to be in my life.

Subsequently I avoided the 'gay scene' and, in fact, ended up in a 10 year heterosexual relationship. All during this time I still self-identified as "gay" (not bi).

It wasn't until 1986, after the AIDS crisis, that I began to get more involved with the gay community. And why then? Because the AIDS crisis had put a damper on a lot of crazy shit that had been going on. For the first time in my experience gay men actually wanted to *talk* about what was going on in their lives, get to know one another, and so on. Up to this time almost all my friends had been straight. Straight people play games, too, but it was *nothing* compared to what I experienced in the gay scene.

I don't really know, I'm not even remotely in the 'scene' and haven't been for a very long time (decades), but from what I gather from my on-line experience, in many ways the clock has turned backwards. It's mixed. I do meet some good gay men online who are open, interesting, caring and etc. But I also run into a lot of this inter-gay hostility, too. It ranges from the catty through the jaded to the down right mean, hostile and sinister. I've seen it go off-line, outside a forum, into people's real lives.

What is all this nastiness and aggression about? As I say, this is a question I've been trying to understand forever.

I don't have it all worked out but (in no particular order) some obvious clues are:

1: Growing up gay in a hetero-normative society. This is essentially crazy making. If we're aware of our sexual feelings, we're also aware that (in most instances) they need to not only be suppressed but kept hidden out of fear, guilt and shame. This is, perhaps, a bit less so now than it was when I was growing up, but it remains true for the vast majority of gay youth. One has to decide whether or not to "come out" (for example), when and to whom, and whatever one decides has consequences that heterosexuals never have to even consider let alone face. Where it is expected they will begin dating (and probably become sexually active) in adolescence, for us this is often a time of fear, confusion, hiding, not to mention experiencing crushes and lusts that we can't even express let alone act on.

2: Internalized homophobia. To the extent that our hetero-normative society fears homosexuality, we internalize this fear. We're 'taught' to fear our own nature, our own sexual impulses. This fear twists our fundamental desires (which are as much for "union" as they are for "sex") and this, in turn, becomes suppressed. Even if at some point we consciously "accept" that we are gay (and all the uncertainty about what that "means" when we're young) and choose to "come out," there often remains within us a huge pool of repressed inner conflict and fear. Fear of reaction from others, fear of rejection, fear of what will happen if we let ourselves have what we desire, fear of intimacy and so on. Much of this internalized homophobia then gets projected on other gay men around us.

3: The absence of adult gay social role modeling. Even though "gay" is more acknowledged as something that exists now than it ever has been, the images our society presents to us about what "being gay" means, is usually tied up with stereotypes that are often less than positive. Our culture (TV, film, etc.), when it presents "gay culture" at all, is more apt to show us the dysfunctional side of it all, implying that this dysfunction *is* what "being gay" means.

4: Dysfunctional role modeling within the 'gay community' itself. After having experienced an adolescence that is often fraught with fear, guilt, shame and inner contradiction, even if we "come out" and find ourselves in the midst of the "gay scene," what we often find is a kind of "hen pecking" hierarchy that is superficially based on looks, youth, sex appeal, and an array of 'attitudes' that one is peer-pressured into accepting as "what it means to be gay," -- "this is how you do it." On one hand, perhaps for the first time in one's life, one finds a "tribe" of others like one's self. But what are these others doing, how are they behaving, don't I have to do and behave the way they are to "fit in"? Refusal to conform to a 'clique' or 'scene' can mean yet a further and far more prolonged sense of alienation, having no place of belonging. This, in turn, can lead not only to alienation but even more overt and covert hostility such as the "jaded queen" syndrome.

Just off the top of my head, these are four overlapping areas of 'pressure' that gay youth (and adults) have to deal with that heterosexuals don't. Yes, even within straight society there is peer pressure to conform to some 'role' or other, depending on your age, gender, social class, etc. But it's different for us because it involves our core sexual identity. For us, this identity has to be "constructed" from the ground up, where for most heterosexuals, it is just a "given."

All this, to my way of thinking, represents inner, psychological stress dynamics that are, for the most part, suppressed. And this very suppression itself is, I believe, the source of much of this inter-gay hostility. We take it out on one another because, well, who else are we going to 'take it out' on? But, of course, we don't think of it that way, if, indeed, we think of it at all.

I sincerely believe that within every gay guy is a pool of resentment and rage that goes way, way back and is extremely deeply seated -- and which often gets entangled with our sexual impulses themselves. This may be covered over by all sorts of "adjustments," including "self acceptance" of one's "sexual identity" on a social level. But this gloss of self-acceptance seldom deals effectively with the underlying psychological conflicts and inner stress dynamics. Consequently those dynamics are still operating unconsciously, and get acted out in a variety of ways including: Sexual promiscuity and avoidance of genuine intimacy, drug and alcohol abuse, the tendency to conform to and reinforce 'clique hierarchy', judgement and criticism, even open hostility toward other gay men, the formation of (often furtive) sexual obsessions, lack of compassion and tolerance for "difference," and a whole host of dysfunctional self/other abuses.

The bottom line for me is none of this is "our fault." We didn't "choose" to be gay and suffer the consequences of having a sexual orientation that is at odds with the norm. Moreover, since we live in a society that is largely dysfunctional itself, where practically no one has dealt effectively with their own repressed psychological dynamics (whatever they may be, and we all have them), why should we be any different?

It isn't our "fault," but it *is* our responsibility.

This is where we are. We have to be willing to look inside ourselves and ask, what do we really want? How can we even begin to recognize and reconcile the damage done if we're not aware of it? I don't think we can even begin to become responsible for emotional dynamics that are outside our conscious awareness.

I don't have the answers to these (and many other related) questions, even though I've pondered them off and on my whole life. Each of us, I believe, is doing the best he knows how with what he has, at least most of the time. Could we do better? Yeah, I think so. But the first step is always self-awareness and, for me at least, that means a willingness to go beneath the surface of myself and come into direct contact with my own (often painful) inner knots and contradictions. Without this I have no choice but to remain "on the surface," constantly *reacting* to a world of dysfunctional people and dynamics over which I have no control.

I can only be as responsible as I am conscious.

^this time I want to kiss and hug you for that.

excellent post.

MikeW Wrote:4: Dysfunctional role modeling within the 'gay community' itself. After having experienced an adolescence that is often fraught with fear, guilt, shame and inner contradiction, even if we "come out" and find ourselves in the midst of the "gay scene," what we often find is a kind of "hen pecking" hierarchy that is superficially based on looks, youth, sex appeal, and an array of 'attitudes' that one is peer-pressured into accepting as "what it means to be gay," -- "this is how you do it."

This is very much still alive and well. I have literally been asked by heavy NSA gay men if I'm a closetcase when they ask and find out that I'm not on grindr and don't seek out hookups. It does not seem to enter the realm of possibility to them that you can be a healthy gay man who isn't hiding but isn't interested in constant one-off hookups. There are a LOT of gay men who spend a lot of time writing a rulebook for what kind of life best reflects a self-accepting gay identity... and somehow, this rulebook always exactly mirrors their own life, decisions, tendencies and desires.... or the things they felt they needed to push or force themselves to do to get over their own demons about being gay. It never seems to acknowledge that other people may come from entirely different starting points or different points of view, with different demons to wrestle with. I didn't grow up in a fire-and-brimstone puritanical home being indoctrinated that sex was bad and gay sex was particularly vile. To me sex holds absolutely no significance outside of romantic intimacy with my partner... it has nothing to do with my identity or how much I embrace it. I don't need to have 5,000 sexual partners to feel that gay sex is okay or that I'm okay for being gay or that sex isn't bad. I don't have any desire for many partners. And I have to presume those are some of the motives at play because guys so frequently immediately leap to the conclusion that I must have internalized problems with my sexuality since I'm not hooking up all the time.

I'm not a fan of the (quotes) "community/lifestyle", whether we're talking about the one in the gayborhood club scene or the app scene. And it has nothing to do with morality. It has to do with I can't seem to ever meet anyone from this slice of the gay population who doesn't almost immediately set about psychoanalyzing your life and your decisions through the lens of how much you've proven yourself as someone who accepts his sexuality adequately --- and the translation of that is "how much do you live and act just like us."

forget following the mold and trying to "fit" into the "in/it" crowd.

just be yourself. it took me quite a long time to become comfortable in my own skin. and at this juncture of my life, I like who I am. . .

and if I don't "fit" in, that's ok. if you can accept me for who I am, in turn, I can accept you for who you are as well. the converse works as well: if you can't accept me for who I am, don't expect me to accept you for who you are.

Will: People often assume that because I work in law enforcement, I must have to take a lot of abuse from straight co-workers. I don't. It's pretty much a non-issue. BUT I have gotten all kinds of shit from other gays who seem to think I'm some sort of sell-out or straight guy wanna-be.

I guess that at the end of the day, gays are just as kind and just as cruel as anyone else. We're all just people, imperfect but hopefully doing our best.

People just take labels way too seriously. Everything is fluid and you're supposed to flow with what you get. But everybody has some desire to label everything, for some reason. You are whatever you are, and if they don't understand it, that's fine. Just cause' they don't understand something, they automatically go on with the notion that it's wrong, and that isn't true! Towards the end of the day, there will always be these kinds of people. And as annoying, and irritating they may be, there's really no way to stop them. I mean, ignore them and just move along with your day. All ignorant people do, is beat you down to their level, and then defeat you with their stupidity, and those situations aren't always pretty.


forget following the mold and trying to "fit" into the "in/it" crowd.

just be yourself. it took me quite a long time to become comfortable in my own skin. and at this juncture of my life, I like who I am. . .

and if I don't "fit" in, that's ok. if you can accept me for who I am, in turn, I can accept you for who you are as well. the converse works as well: if you can't accept me for who I am, don't expect me to accept you for who you are.
The issue at hand isn't really about fitting in, though. I understand what you're saying and I agree with it.

But one of the things we're talking about here is how some gay people refuse to recognize that bisexuality is something that really does exist, and how these people equate bisexuality to the nonexistence of "unicorns and leprechauns." This isn't an issue of "if you don't accept me for who I am, don't expect me to accept you for who you are," for the simple fact that admitted bisexuals already recognize being gay as a legitimate sexuality, which should mean they already accept it. The offense is coming from one side; this isn't an issue of people not practicing the golden rule.

excalibur77 Wrote:The issue at hand isn't really about fitting in, though. I understand what you're saying and I agree with it.

But one of the things we're talking about here is how some gay people refuse to recognize that bisexuality is something that really does exist, and how these people equate bisexuality to the nonexistence of "unicorns and leprechauns." This isn't an issue of "if you don't accept me for who I am, don't expect me to accept you for who you are," for the simple fact that admitted bisexuals already recognize being gay as a legitimate sexuality, which should mean they already accept it. The offense is coming from one side; this isn't an issue of people not practicing the golden rule.
I guess there will always be stupid people who can't accept the world is round, there's no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and that bisexuals exist. Some of them will learn to accept these things and change their tune, but others won't. So effing what? You know better. Don't subject your well-being to the approval of others and don't wait for universal approval.

And don't fight with them on the Internet!

Being gay is not for Sissies.

Bhp91126 Wrote:Don't subject your well-being to the approval of others and don't wait for universal approval.

And don't fight with them on the Internet!

exactly .

The subject is older than sin. It is a larger problem endemic within the human race as a whole. Research the phrase "Man's inhumanity to man," and you will quickly discover that human kind has actively been hateful towards itself in varying degrees since Bette Davis knows when. A writing teacher I had once told me that you could break down most novels into three categories:
1. Man's inhumanity to man.
2. Man's inhumanity to himself.
3. Man's inhumanity to nature.

I'm not exactly sure that this is true, but I often find it so when reading a new novel and catching the meaning behind the words.

It isn't just gay people. Yes, we all would think common sense should prevail and people should know better than to judge others, whether because they have endured the struggle to live a happy and free life, or whether because they want to feel superior to everyone who will allow it, or whether because some people simply get bored existing and obsessively need to stir the drama pot, ...and the list goes on. The fact that this question has been brought up on this forum and others supports the notion that people do not learn from the past.

In no small part because of this reality I have isolated myself to my small apartment rather than face a world that is often too cruel for my very fragile emotional state to bear. It is a survival mechanism for me. I would be dead if I had to face people everyday because I find most people, although not all, wildly horrible to one another for no discernible purpose. Unwanted and intrusive thoughts assail me constantly, and they nearly always fall into one of the three categories listed above. PTSD, bipolar disorder/behavior, and the progressive onset of dementia in my life have all, to one degree or another, been a result of man's inhumanity to man, to himself, or to nature. More than once other gay men have told me outright that I bring shame on gay people because I am somewhat flamboyant. I've gotten used to it, but it doesn't sting any less.

I can't even watch the evening news without intense reactions to what is now reported 24/7. I think that this issue may not have been noticeable on a large scale until the advent of the nearly inescapable information age when people went from a half hour of evening news with Edward R. Murrow, or Walter Cronkite. Maybe news reels from the first wars ratcheted up peoples awareness of the hate man spews toward other men, toward, themselves, toward what humans do to this planet on a daily basis and the other species living on it.

If you think about it, many of us perpetrate the same behavior to one degree or other even when we consider each new generation's gay icons. How often have you read a comment about how someone hates Madonna, Gaga, Cher, Bette, Barbra, Judy, Liza, etc.? Often I find that as generations change, gay icons are taken for granted and dismissed no matter what they have done to further LGBT issues. Sometimes it is just an observation on the part of the observer, a preference written by someone, but quite often gay men cannot seem to miss an opportunity to throw some acid as well.

I'm not better than anyone else. I'm sure that I've thrown shade more than once, although as I've gotten older I really try to keep intense feelings, i.e. hate, out of my viewpoint. I tend to regret decisions to speak or act made under extreme duress. Those are more moments to add to a long list of things that haunt me, and I don't need/want more angst.

I'm not sure that there is a viable "solution" to this problem. If we all lived in Utopia it may well be a non-issue, but perfect ideals are a lovely aspiration, but a myth in reality. In the meanwhile I do the best I can not to fan the flames. If I see a wrong I may be able to help right, with a good deal of consideration on my part on whether to involve myself and whether involving myself will change any possible outcome (I always have to think of my own survival, unfortunately), I may act to stand up for someone. Even in those instances I don't believe I'm really contributing a great deal to a problem that seems without solution.

I'm reminded of the opening scene from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey when one monkey in a group of other monkeys first picks up a bone and murders one of its own group. Our hatred toward one another may well stem from something very much akin to that moment.

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