To be horribly blunt about this.
He is 63, and most likely will not be around in 2 decades. You know old age and death is pretty common for the human species. Sorry to be be blunt about the matter.
You, however will be 40 in two decades. Still young enough to pull up stakes and move about and do all sorts of things.
And that is assuming you two manage to make the relationship work. Chances are rather high that after about 5 years you two will part company because you can't agree on how to hang the toilet paper roll.
Your take on the matter of being 'tied down' is going to happen if you enter into a long term live-in sort of relationship with anyone. So get comfortable with the idea that you will be tied down... and if you are lucky your partner will tie you down a lot in your relationship

- bondage is soooo much fun.....
The problem with dating an older man is he is going to be set in his ways. He has lived how long where he is? 10 years 20 years 30 years?
Sorry no, AGE IS NOT JUST A NUMBER - there is a lot tied into age - a lot. Like willingness to give up a lifetime of familiarity.
His life is there, and unlike 20 something year olds, when you hit around age 40 such things as where your roots are starts to become a wee bit more important than being free to roam about the world. By 60 its nigh unto impossible to even consider pulling up stakes and relocating and starting all over again.
His life is there, relationships with people going back perhaps a lot further than you have lived. You cannot possibly comprehend a friendship of 20+ years. 20 years from now you will fully understand this - its an age thing because age is a real factor, not a number. Time is a teacher, a motivator, a thing that leads to experiences which no one can comprehend fully until they themselves have experienced that time.
He ain't going to move to suit you. If you have this silly notion that that is going to happen, well that is on you. So yeah, as far as he is concerned there is nothing to talk about.
And this staunch "I refuse to live in Indiana" seems remarkably similar to the young man who was all about praising and worshiping Arkansas and telling everyone that Arkansas is the only place in the world for him. How did that turn out BTW? (Rhetorical question)
Quote: Here's the problem with me living in Indiana- I have wanted to (or at least thought of) killing myself in the past because of the fact that I am basically a second class citizen in this society. I don't think I could live a healthy life in Indiana.
Ever live in Indiana? If not how can you leap to the conclusion they will treat you like a second class citizen?
You have already dismissed about 6.537 million people and have shuffled them off into the intolerant/anti-gay category without even giving them a chance. Stereotype much?
How about a little cup of reality to go with all of this?
49. Arkansas
33. Indiana
Indiana is
more tolerant than Arkansas.
Shall I dig up all of your threads and posts about how tolerant and wonderful you THOUGHT Arkansas was? Clearly tolerance wasn't that big of a deal for you just last year. In fact if I recall you fought tooth and nail to keep that sort of delusion that Arkansas (the south) is more friendly than the North.
If you were wrong there, then what is to say you are wrong here? Or are you just going to stubbornly dig your heels in and maintain the delusion that folk in Indiana are all bad and crappy and are going to hate you and make you a second class citizen?
Frankly I find it a bit irksome that a 20 year old will cry about being a second class citizen when the generations before you were treated far worse and have done a lot to improve the nation for you.
Things did not get better because us LGBT ran away. We stood our ground and made it clear that we ain't going budge and that we demand our right to be treated with respect and dignity.
Sorry, we didn't get every detail sorted and have left a few issues for you to stand up and fight for. Can't expect us to do everything. It is now time for your generation to take this load of my generation's back. Just as my generation hefted the heavy load of the generation before me, and them from the generation before them.
Trust me, each generation has carried a bit less, so you can be pretty much certain that the work set out for your generation is going to be a lot easier than mine, as it was a lot easier for my generation compared to the generation before me.
If you are going to be involved with an older man, then you need to learn to bend to his will and his needs. I assure you, if you do not resolve this conflict with this man, then the next old man you get involved with this same issue will crop up. (If not over location, then over some other similar age difference matter.)
Young saplings bend, and spring back. Old trees snap and break. You are the sapling, he is the old tree.
The question is not 'Do we do this in Indiana'.
The questions are 'Do I love him? Would I follow him to the ends of the earth?'
If either of those are 'no' then you ain't well suited for a relationship or to be lovers.
It is as simple as that.
I'm sorry if I sound like I'm sanding your arse - not my intent at all.