The other night this week, I did it with a muscle bear. lol
we practically did everything except for actual penetration...
what does that make me ? Is he my first, idk if i lost my virginity really
Just one word " WOW". I don't know that you could make it so fast.
no, please don't get the wrong idea. I just try to say that i'm surprise that you could...well....( damn, my English so bad, i can't describe for you what i think right now). Please forgive me if i say anything hurt you.
Did he make you cum? If yes, then you lost your v-card. Jmo
Oh the virginity thing... do I have a few words to say about this one. I think that some gay guys have this annoying tendency to de-value anything that's not penetration, mostly because they're so proud of how good they've become at anal sex that they feel the need to be placed higher than other gay guys who don't practice penetration. Same thing straight guys do, they value themselves through sex, except in the gay world there's a whole new level added to it, just to create a few more ranks. It's a ridiculous, catty hierarchy of sex. And take it from me, I've done oral and anal, both are great, but don't listen to anyone who says that oral isn't sex, it's still sex.